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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 820

An hour later, Henry saw eight figures at the airport's parking.

Henry took out his mobile phone to check the photos that Silver Visitor just sent him, confirming that these eight people were the people he was supposed to meet this time.

Among the eight people, there were four men and four women. Two of them were from the inspection team. The remaining two men and two women were the newcomers, providing personal protection for the members of the inspection team.

Henry looked at these eight people up and down, mainly focusing on the four new members of Section Nine.

"Tsk tsk, Section Nine is hidden deep enough. Four newcomers already have this kind of strength. However, they were just focusing on improving their strength, there's too much of a difference in other aspects."

Henry noticed that as soon as the four newcomers came out, they looked around. They were all young and looked like they were in their twenties, but they all gave off the feeling of being unapproachable, as if they were warning others they had an important task to carry out.

Among the remaining four, one person held a big box. Henry guessed that there should be some detection instruments in it.

Henry greeted the eight people and strode forward. He said to a middle-aged man who looked like he was in his fifties, "Professor Liu, right? Hello, I am the person in charge of Yinzhou Collier Security."

Silver Visitor told Henry that the team had already notified the inspection team that they would be protected by a security company in Yinzhou. These people did not know Henry's real identity.

"Yes, my surname is Liu. You must be Mr. Zhang. I didn't expect you to be so young." The middle- aged man, who was called Professor Liu, looked at Henry and stretched out his right hand.

Henry also reached out his hand. After shaking hands, Henry pointed to the exit of the airport and said, "Everyone, I have arranged the car."

"Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Zhang."

The four newcomers glanced at Henry with disdain in their eyes. They came from Section Nine, where there were countless masters. Even if they were newcomers, they entered Section Nine after countless rounds of selection. Now, they were looking at the security company from Yinzhou with some contempt.

Henry didn't care. Before he came here, he had heard about the arrogance of these newcomers from Silver Visitor.

The group of people followed Henry to the parking lot. The car was transferred from Lins Group. There was no problem for eight people to fit in an extended Benz with a yellow license plate.

"They really don't have enough experience!" A young man from Section Nine looked at the car arranged by Henry and said disdainfully, "This kind of car has limited performance. Once we are targeted, it would be impossible to get rid of the other party, and the security performance of this car is ordinary. Is this how your security company does things?"

"All right, Whittaker." Another young man from Section Nine came forward and patted the young man's shoulder. "An ordinary security company can just do this much. After all, they are not professional. You can't ask them to do too much."

Whittaker shook his head and said bluntly, "I really don't understand. Why do you want to hire a so- called security company? These inexperienced rookies will cause us more trouble. What else can they do? The car is parked in the parking lot and just look at how many people are around. What if there is any trouble?"

Facing Whittaker's words, Henry just smiled and said nothing. The most important thing for security was to be ready at any time.

How could one protect himself? Others would not know that you were a security guard, so they would let down their vigilance against you.

Henry couldn't tell Whittaker and others that more than 70 people in the parking lot were arranged by him.

Henry had already arranged a hotel for the team.


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