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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 84

The meeting was going on like a fire, and the doctor's discussions were also very intense.

Suddenly, Master Yan opened his mouth. As soon as he spoke, the whole Chinese Medicine clinic quieted down, and everyone listened quietly.

"I have a case here, and you can take it for discussion."

"Master Yan, please go ahead," President Ma gestured him to go on.

Master Yan glanced around, "There is a patient who suddenly falls into a coma at the age of 70. His pupils gather together and he is cold-blooded. His fingers turn pale and his pulse beats slowly. The doctor places the needles in the four main acupoints in the man's head. But it has no effect on stimulating the nerves and he still could not come to life. Do you have any methods to save the patient in a short time?"

What Master Yan said was exactly the patient he met in the mall yesterday.

After hearing his story, many doctors frowned and pretended to think.

For the sudden coma, stimulating the four acupoints was a very common treatment method. The concentration of the pupils and the lack of oxygen were also the characteristics of a coma. The weak pulse proved that the brain was temporarily in a state of shock. If facing this situation, they would also choose to stimulate the four acupoints. However, Master Yan said that it was even difficult to wake up with the twirling needle method.

Many doctors were thinking that the human body's physiological system had already begun to decline in their seventies.

"You can try the western treatment method and drop oxygen for the patient," a doctor said.

"That's right. First, let's check the patient's brain nerves for oxygen loss and cooperate with drug treatment."

"It's improper." Master Yan shook his head. "The patient is too old, and we are discussing how to rescue the patient in a short time. What if we don't have time to send him to the hospital?"

"Well..." The doctor who had just spoken looked embarrassed. He really couldn't think of any other solution.

As time went by, some people proposed their ways, but all of them were overthrown by Master Yan.

The doctors thought hard, but they couldn't think of a way to cure the patient on the spot.

Master Yan spoke again at the tenth minute.

"Alright, let's end this."

When the doctors who were thinking hard heard this, they all showed regret because they knew that the reason why Master Yan said it was that the patient could not hold on any longer.

If there was such a patient in front of them just now, they could only watch and do nothing. As doctors, this was the most powerless thing for them.

A doctor showed a fighting expression. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Master Yan, to be honest, if the case really happened just now, the patient should have no chance of survival. Even the needles can't stimulate the nerves. It's very likely that the patient's nerve has been destroyed."

As soon as the doctor finished speaking, another doctor continued, "Yes, this brain nerve necrosis is a kind of death in medicine."

Master Yan looked around and said, "Do you all think so?"


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