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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 840

The heavy-loaded tank stopped in the middle of the road. It looked like a steel beast.

At the front of the motorcade, two Benz cars worth millions of yuan stopped and the driver looked at them in horror.

In the longer version of the Benz, Penn and a group of founding members had just opened a bottle of red wine. Jeremiah was lying in the arms of a young woman, and two pretty and lovely nurses were squatting aside, treating Jeremiah's injuries.

"What's going on? Why did the car suddenly stop?" Feeling the sudden stopping of the car, Penn shouted discontentedly.

"Master Rong, something happened in front." The driver opened the window so that the people sitting in the back seat could see what was happening.

"Is this a manoeuvre?" Penn frowned and looked ahead, then said to the driver, "Let's take a detour."

Although Penn had a high status in Ningzhong City and was driving arrogantly, he was not stupid enough to come into conflict with the manoeuvre.

The driver slowly moved the steering wheel. When he was just halfway through, he suddenly stopped. "Master Rong, we can't go further."

Yet another heavy tank was heading towards them from behind. From the bottom of his heart, he could feel a sense of pressure emanating from the tank.

A loud noise came from above them.

In the sky, more than a dozen armed helicopters came from the horizon and hovered above the fleet.

The gun barrels on the armed helicopter were currently slowly spinning. This was a sign that they were already warm-up, ready to fire at any time.

On each helicopter, there was a rope. One fully- armed soldier slipped down from the rope, pulled out the semi- automatic rifle behind him, and aimed at every car in this fleet.

On the tank in front of them, the loudspeaker emitted some sounds.

"I warn you, you have been surrounded. Now, all of you leave the cars. I give you 30 seconds. Everyone leave the car!"

An unquestionable warning was issued from the loudspeaker.

The people in the car suddenly understood that this was not a manoeuvre. These tanks and helicopters appeared because of them!

In the Benz, Penn and the others looked back and forth with confused faces.

"I warn you, the last 20 seconds, all of you should leave the cars, otherwise, we will shoot without hesitation!"

The warning from the loudspeaker sounded again.

The two Benz at the front opened slowly. As soon as the driver came out, he was pressed to the ground by two fully armed soldiers.

Seven or eight soldiers rushed to the Benz and pulled the door open. Penn and the others were immediately pulled out before they could get off the cars. They were all pressed down on the ground and the guns were pointed at their heads.

Jeremiah, who had been enjoying himself in the car, was pulled out of the car and lay on the ground with his clothes in disarray.

"You! Who are you?!" Penn was pressed there. "We are all businessmen who do our business according to the law. You can't treat us like this!" "According to the law?" A man in a traditional suit slowly came over and said, "Are you lawabiding businessmen? We will investigate that. But now, you are suspected of restricting the freedom of others. At this point, even if you have high status, you will be punished!"

Penn was about to refute when he saw the man's face. He was shocked by what he saw.


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