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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 938

At that moment, Henry drank to his heart's content. When Moon Goddess challenged him to a drinking contest, he took her on very naturally.

Everyone was drinking at the table.

Future hung around the private room. Looking around here and there, checking out every corner of the room.

"What are you looking at? Go have fun together. It's not easy for everyone to be gathered here together." A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

The sudden voice made Future jump with fright. She spun around quickly, and saw Wade standing behind her.

With a somewhat awkward expression, she said, "You idiot, you scared me!"

Wade looked at Future with a weird expression. He always felt that there was something off with Future. This kind of feeling had started from the incident at the nightclub, but Wade could not tell what was off about her.

"Idiot, what are you looking at?" Future raised her fists and threw a fake punch at Wade's face, then rolled her eyes at him and said, "Let's go join in the drinking. You're here to avoid the alcohol, aren't you?"

"What is it you are trying to hide?" Wade asked as he tried searching for clues.

"I hid a man, okay?" She took a step forward and grabbed Wade by the collar. "Come on, let's drink."

Wade had not finished searching around before he was pulled along forcefully by Future to join Henry for drinks.

The nine elites of Radiant Island had come together. Henry drank to his heart's content, welcoming all who joined in. Soon enough, he displayed signs of drunkenness.

Moon Goddess was blushing too. She looked like an angel from heaven that had been dragged down to the mortal world by the devil, Henry.

When Future saw that Henry was almost completely drunk, she gestured to Bannock, who was right next to her.

Bannock nodded knowingly and went forward to pour more wine for Henry with respect. While pouring the wine, Bannock knocked on the wine bottle three times. He seemed to tap on it very casually, but it gave people quite a wondrous feeling, as if there was a special rhythm hidden in the three taps.

Henry's slightly drunken eyes became even more blurred after the three taps sounded.

Seeing this, Future and Moon Goddess waved their hands to the other members. Before they had gathered here, they all had already known what would be done that day. All of them nodded, and quietly left the room one after another.

Bannock was still in the process of pouring wine into the glass that was in front of Henry. His method of pouring wine was very unique, he did not fill one cup after another, instead he filled some in one cup, then filled some in another, every cup was filled differently. In the process of pouring wine, the wine bottle would touch the glass from time to time. Because every glass had a different amount of wine, the glasses would emit different tones.

Future was the last to leave the room. Before leaving, she turned on some gentle music then slowly closed the door.

During the process, Henry stared only at the glass on his table, his gaze unfaltering. It was obvious that he had been hypnotized.

Generally speaking, if Bannock had wanted to hypnotise Henry, it would have been impossible, but that day was different. Henry took no precautions whatsoever when he was around Wade and the others. With the help of huge doses of alcohol and the cooperation of Future and his friends, he was able to do some shallow hypnosis.

Wade and the others stood outside the room. The beautiful ladies who had been standing at the door of the private room stood by the side, their heads were bowed low, not daring to look up, but they kept scanning Wade and the others curiously through the corner of their eyes, trying to guess their identities.

"Go look at something else!" Alex glared at the waiting girls and said in a cold voice.

He did not show any mercy to them at all.

The waiting girls quickly retracted their necks and withdrew their eyes.


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