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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 967

Police cars were surrounding Qin's Villa, which was all secured by police tape.

Three Hondas with special yellow license plates brought the Lins to Qin's Villa. They were escorted over the police tape to enter the villa.

Silver Visitor followed the Lins, but he was stopped when he tried to cross the tape.

Holger looked at Silver Visitor with a smile and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sword Wielder. The inside is an active scene of the investigation. Irrelevant personnel is not allowed. If you want to go in, please go to the headquarters and get another paper."

After saying that, Holger walked back into Qin's villa.

The members of the Lin family were standing In the front yard of the villa, with two Section Nine officers behind each of them. They watched over the Lins as if watching prisoners.

Not for long, Sylvia saw the members of the Qin Family walked over. Qin was a large family. There were more than twenty of them, and all of which were immediate relatives.

They were infuriated when they saw the Lins, "You son of a b*tch, murderers! I want you to pay!"

"Traitor! We helped your family before. But you people murdered our father."

"All you Lins are animals!"

The members of the Qin Family cursed the Lins angrily and loudly.

"Enough!" Sylvia let out a scream. "Your family is not the only one which has misfortunes. My family too is in the devasted state."

"Ha!" A member of the Qin Family sneered. "Robert Lin got what he deserved. I say it's a wonderful thing!"

"That's right! He deserved it!"

"I dare you to say that one more time!" Chaning roared.

"I'll give you ten more times. He deserved it! He deserved it! He deserved it!" A young man from the Qin Family stood up.

"I'll f*cking kill you!" Chaning let out a roar. He rushed over with a clenched fist and a pair of red eyes.

Just as Chaning was about to reach the young man, a police officer stopped him and pinned him down on the ground, "Behave yourself! This is not your place to do what you want!"

Chaning was struggling on the ground, but none of which was useful.

"Knock it off. Why are you people so angry? A murderer just died. It's a great thing! Or who knows who will be the next to be killed." Holger came over.

Sylvia said angrily, "I'll say it again. My grandfather didn't kill anyone. So don't slander his name!"

"Slander his name?" Holger raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you never learn to quit lying. Do you think that since you've cremated the body, I cannot find the evidence? Get me the housekeeper!"

Soon, a police officer brought a woman over. The woman was in her thirties, and she was the one who welcomed Robert into the house.

The housekeeper walked over with her head lowered.

Holger snapped his fingers and said, "Come, tell everyone what you saw the other day."

The arrogance and coldness in the woman had disappeared. She looked toward the Lins, intimidated. The Lins could sense something bad was about to happen.


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