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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 972

"Don't you dare to point guns at my families," Henry's said. There was a chilling undertone from his voice that made people tremble.

Silver Visitor shouted, "Levin Jin and Holger Jin! You two have colluded with the foreign organizations to danger the alliance of Section Nine and frame Robert Lin, of Yinzhou Lins, of murder. I, bestowed by the power of Sword Welders, remove both of you from Section Nine. Effective immediately."

Holger's face was pale and lifeless.

"Sword Welders!" Silver Visitor shouted.

The Sword Welders, who had been denied entrance, all rushed in.

"Arrest Levin Jin and Holger Jin!"

Under Silver Visitor's command, the Sword Welders rushed toward Levin and Holger, disregarding the fact that Levin had lost one of his hands and seriously injured.

Holger's subordinates from Section Nine watched what happened to Holger without stepping in. Holger had violated the rules of Section Nine. Although they were his subordinate, they wouldn't break the rules for their former boss.

At this point, the truth had come out. The two Qins had made their own bed, and they had to lie in it. There was no murderer to blame.

The only suspect, Robert Lin, was framed.

The captain walked toward Henry and reached out his hand, "Mr. Zhang, it was a pleasure meeting you."

Henry laughed and shook the caption's hand, "It's my pleasure. If it wasn't for you, I could never lure Levin and his son out."

In fact, one of the biggest flaws of Holger's scheme was that he failed to consider Henry's status.

Because of Henry's prestigious status, when the incident of the Qin family broke out, the first thing that came to Henry wasn't the troubles from Holger, but the visit from the leadership of Section Nine.

Before Holger came to Henry with troubles, Henry had met with the leadership of Section Nine and the police department. Before Henry sneaked into Qin's villa and changed the chalk marking on the floor, he had given the police department a heads up.

Just now, the captain was cooperating with Henry to put on a show.

As for Robert's false death, it was also arranged by Henry. He had visited Robert the same night he sneaked into Qin's villa. Henry had guessed that someone would try to do something to Robert. So he called Silver Visitor over and arranged the rest.

Even at the time when Henry was locked up in the cell of Section Nine, he had correctly guessed everything that was happening outside of his cell and Holger's movement.

Henry had been pretending to take the punches because he wanted to wait for Levin to get involved. When Holger finally believed that he had successfully pinned the crime on Robert, Levin came out.

Because Robert was alive after everyone had believed he was dead, all the Lins burst into tears because of joy. They were desperate when they believed that Robert was gone.

After Robert comforted his family members, he walked over to the Qin Family.

"Master Qin, you have shown me great kindness. So I will let the incident go. But it evens out every favor you have done for me. From now on, I don't own the Qin Family anything."

Sylvia asked the question that had bothered her for a long time, "Grandfather, there were eighty billion yuan transferred out of the company's account. I know that only the chairperson has the access to the account, did you do it?"


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