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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 977

After Henry and Sylvia had put their shopping bags at home, they set off to Angel Hotel.

Angel Hotel, a four- star hotel, was only second to the Glory Hotel in Yinzhou City. The next day after the auction, Sylvia had wanted to purchase both hotels. But no matter how much Sylvia had offered, the owner of Glory Hotel wouldn't sell. As frustrated as Sylvia was, she had to purchase only Angel Hotel.

What Sylvia didn't know was that the ultimate owner of Glory Hotel was Henry. But Henry didn't know that it was Sylvia who had offered to purchase the hotel. The new manager of the hotel didn't bother to report it to Felix.

The next day after Sylvia purchased Angel Hotel, she hired a couple of contractors to renovate the building and its interior. At this moment, the new Angel Hotel had totally changed its look.

First of all, the parking lot had been expanded, providing its customers with a much easier travel experience. This improvement stole many customers from Glory Hotel.

Next, the design and facility of both exterior

and interior were done to the standard of a five- star hotel. Sylvia also handpicked the new chef. If the five- star certificate was approved, Angel Hotel would be the only five-star hotel in Orafield Province.

Although Sylvia was unable to purchase Glory Hotel, she wanted Angel Hotel to be better than Glory Hotel in every way.

But Henry and Felix weren't worried about the fact that Glory Hotel was losing its patrons. Felix could use the time and effort, which a hotel renovation would take, into earning profits that were multiple times more than which of Glory Hotel.

Angel Hotel was located in the center of Yinzhou. On the day of its opening, many old and first-time customers came to visit.

Henry looked at the newly renovated hotel building, which was twenty- eight- floors in height, in awe of its magnificence.

Standing in front of gold-trimmed front doors were beautiful female greeters. They formed two lines to welcome customers. All the staff, male or female, was nice- looking, which brought much enjoyment to the eyes.

The entrance of Angel Hotel was filled with banners and flowers sent by the other businesses of Yinzhou.

Countless luxury cars parked in the hotel parking lot. The status of the Lins in Yinzhou was absolutely unshakable. It had exceeded Hengyuan of Jenny Qin a great deal.

The Chow Group, which was believed to be the Lins's rivalry, served as a subsidiary organization to help the Lins for that day's hotel opening.

As soon as Henry and Sylvia stepped out of the car, people rushed over. They greeted Sylvia and hoped to make acquaintance with her.

Sylvia strode to the entrance of the hotel.

The government officials of Yinzhou City also attended the ceremony. Because the Lins could stimulate the economy of Yinzhou, they saw the Lins as part of their achievement. An organization that was able to achieve a similar economic effect normally gained the favor of the local government.

The ceremonial firework show added a more festive atmosphere to the new year. Sylvia came to the front door of the hotel after the fireworks. Staff carried out a red fabric-covered tray.

Dozens of reporters came close to snap photos.

The government official stood behind a long red ribbon with Sylvia. They both uncovered the red fabric on the tray and revealed a pair of big golden scissors. They each held one handle, looked into the camera, and clipped off the ribbon.

The firecrackers and applause were heard. After Sylvia made the official announcement, the ribbon-cutting ceremony was over.


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