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My Waste Husband novel Chapter 987

"Recluse Association is everywhere?"

When Henry heard this, he smiled but didn't say anything. Henry and Sackcloth Visitor didn't leave the airport. They were taken to another small plane.

The plane could only contain fifteen passengers. There was no window on the plane. Apparently, Recluse Association didn't want Henry to know where their headquarters was.

After a quick check of the inside of the plane, Henry asked Sackcloth Visitor, "They do this every time?"

Sackcloth Visitor shrugged and didn't make a sound.

Getting his answer, Henry chuckled, "I thought people of Recluse Association would know some more advanced techniques."

Sackcloth Visitor walked into the cabin and said, "They just do the best they can. The members of Recluse Association are from everywhere, and their salary rate is only around the level of a Qi- controlling Realm expert who doesn't belong to any organization. Recluse Association doesn't

conduct background checks on its members. So the inner circle of the organization is a totally different world from their members'. Even their members have to go through this every time they get back to the headquarters. They only know the headquarters is located somewhere in Forbidden Canyon, but no one knows exactly where. You know how big the canyon is. It's impossible for them to find the headquarters by themselves."

Henry nodded and did not speak.

After Henry and Sackcloth Visitor settled down on the plane. Someone shut the cabin door, and the plane took off.

Henry sat on the spacious leather chair with his eyes closed. Time passed by slowly.

A few hours later, Henry felt shakes of the plane and then heard the sound of tire friction. He knew they had landed.

Henry took out his cell phone to check the time. Eight hours had passed. When the cabin door was opened, it was already dark outside.

Not like traveling on the ground, it was hard for Henry to tell their route traveling in the air. Henry couldn't even tell by the position of the sun and stars. It was also possible that the plane just circled in the air for a couple of hours for confusing them.

The Recluse Association member who greeted Henry was a middle-aged man. He put on a poker face and never showed any expression.

Sackcloth Visitor told Henry the background of the man in a whisper. The man belonged to Recluse Association's Death Squad. The organization trained these people into someone who didn't have emotions and would do anything the organization asked them to do. Death Squad members didn't have names. They were identified by numbers, which were attached to the chest of their shirts. Henry took a look at the number on the man's chest. It said 9276, which meant there were at least ninety-two hundred and seventy-six members of the Death Squad!

"Oh? Didn't they claim that their motto was to maintain world peace? Why they need Death Squad?" Henry sounded sarcastic.

Sackcloth Visitor shook his head, "The so-called motto is just a propaganda trick. It's beneficial to say they care about world peace. You were the King of Hell, don't tell me you actually believed them."

"Of course," Henry nodded vigorously, "I always thought Recluse Association was an organization of justice."

Sackcloth Visitor gave Henry a hollowed laugh. He didn't believe Henry was serious.

"Gentlemen, please follow me," 9276 stood outside the cabin.


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