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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1046

Shaun and Rong Huangde both wanted to kill Jordan. Unfortunately, neither of them succeeded.

In the end, Jordan still survived.

He hugged Lauren tightly and kissed her forehead.

"Honey, I'm sorry that you had to follow me to the gates of hell."

Lauren wasn't distressed. Instead, she looked happy. "I've always wanted to experience this with you. I'll still follow you in the future, okay?"

Jordan nodded. "You're so powerful now, and you have Sakura as your helper. How can I bear to leave you?"

Lauren and Sakura looked proud of themselves.

Jordan summoned Little Steele and asked, "After we faked our deaths, did the Handley family say where that place was?"

Little Steele said, "Scanning records and retrieving relevant content..."

Soon, the conversation between the Handley brothers and Shaun appeared in front of Jordan.

Terrence said, "Specifically, our ability to cast spells is from a lake in Mount Denali, Wonder Lake."."

Jordan and Lauren were amazed.

It turned out that this mysterious place was in North America. It was just a very remote place.

Lauren said, "I have a cousin who likes to drive herself around. She often goes to those deserted areas in the north. There were many times when she wanted to bring me along, but I was timid and didn't dare to go. I should have gone there to take a look. Hubby, have you been to Mount Denali?"

Jordan nodded.

Lauren was surprised. "You've been to Mount Denali? Have you been to that lake?"

Jordan nodded again.

"Wonder Lake. That's right. I should have been there before. However, it was when I was very young. It was my uncle who brought me there."

Lauren was a little surprised. "Your uncle? The late Uncle Randall?"

Jordan nodded.

When Jordan was very young, Randall often brought the three brothers out to play. Therefore, the three of them had a good relationship with Uncle Randall.

When they found out that Randall had passed away, they were all very sad. Even now, when Jordan thought about it, he still felt a little sad.

Lauren asked curiously, "Since your uncle has been there, does he have those superpowers like the Handley brothers?"

Jordan thought for a moment and shook his head. "No. If he had that ability, how could he have been killed by Shaun? Shaun learned his abilities from his uncle and father, he didn't obtain them from that lake. As a result, his abilities are far less potent than Terrence and Harvey. If my uncle also directly obtained the ability

from that lake, it's impossible for him to lose to Shaun."

Lauren felt that Jordan's analysis made sense.

"However," Jordan continued, "I still don't understand why my uncle would hang out with a scumbag like Shaun."

Lauren made a bold guess. "1 heard that your uncle was very ambitious. Shaun is also a very ambitious person. Perhaps the two of them are like-minded in that sense... I heard from others that your uncle wanted to snatch the position of the head of the Steele family from your father. I am sorry if my words are unpleasant, please don't be angry..."


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