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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1089

Victoria jumped into the Immortal Lake. Everyone was anxious for her.

Would Victoria successfully obtain the recognition of Immortal Lake and obtain her superpower? Or would she die here?

A minute passed. Everyone held their breaths and did not move.

There were no ripples on the beautiful lake.

Five minutes passed, but it was still the same.

"Oh no, why isn't there any movement? Did something happen? But why are these people from the Mutant Tribe so calm? Does it usually take so long?"

Lauren didn't dare to inform Jordan rashly in case she worried him for nothing.

From the looks of it, as long as Randall and the rest did not have any major reactions, it meant that Victoria would be fine.

After a full 10 minutes, there was sudden movement on the calm lake.

"It's starting!" said Yumi.



The surface of the lake began to ripple and the water kept surging.

"This is..."

This was the first time Lauren had seen such a situation and didn't understand what was going on. However, Lauren noticed that Randall and the rest seemed to be very happy.

It seemed like Victoria had succeeded?


The sounds became louder and louder, and the color of the lake began to change.

"It is changing color. Oh my god, it's purple!"

"What? Purple! A super talent second only to gold!"

"Victoria is amazing. She will become an existence second only to our Chief!"

"Less than one in a hundred million people is purple. I didn't expect Victoria to be the chosen one!"

Everyone was shocked. Their words were filled with envy and praise for Victoria.

When Randall saw this, he smiled as well. He already knew that Victoria would have this result.

"I wonder what kind of ability she has?"

Randall was more concerned about what kind of purple-level ability Victoria would obtain that could be of use to him.

After a few minutes, the entire Immortal Lake had turned purple.

Even the sky had turned purple.

"Oh my god, this view... it's the most gorgeous view I've ever seen."

Lauren was also amazed. If not for the fact that she didn't know whether Victoria was dead or alive, she really wanted to take a photo and post it on her social media!

Suddenly, there was a loud boom!


Victoria jumped out from the bottom of the lake!


Lauren saw Victoria leap out. She looked like her entire body was enveloped by an immortal aura. Although she still had the same face, she gave off a completely different feeling!

Victoria leaped into the air and landed gently. She was barefoot and drenched, and her clothes had turned purple.

Lauren was worried if Victoria would be fine after falling from such a high place.

Randall was standing in front of her. With his ability, he could have caught Victoria, but he didn't.

This was because he knew that Victoria was no longer the same person as before.

After Victoria landed, she was very stable.

At that moment, apart from Randall, all the other members of the Mutant Tribe knelt down and shouted in unison.

"Congratulations on awakening your purple-level superpowers, Elder Sister Victoria. Congratulations on becoming a mutant!"


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