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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1111

Previously, Jordan had gone to the Rong family base with Little Steele to upload all the scientific data about the Time Gate.

After uploading it, Little Steele compared the "memory disorder" that Jordan just discovered with the information about the Time Gate.

The conclusion was the same as Jordan's initial conjecture. Traveling to the past would not cause the collective memories of only some people to be messed up.

This had nothing to do with time travel.

After eliminating the Rong family's Time Gate, Jordan immediately determined that this matter must be related to the Mutant Tribe!

The mutants all had special abilities. Among them, there must be someone with the ability to change a person's memories.

This could lead to something major. Although only some unimportant memories had been changed, it could be used to do something more terrifying in the future.

It meant that the mutants could use this to easily control the memories of the world and all of humanity!

As one of the masters of the world, Jordan had the responsibility to figure this out. Therefore, he immediately rushed to Mount Denali with Salvatore and the rest. He wanted to ask Randall about this.

Along the way, Jordan was very agitated.

Clearly, he wasn't going to Mount Denali just for the memory issue. He knew that Randall and Victoria were about to get married at the Immortal Lake...

Jordan could have called Randall to ask about this, but he didn't.

He had to personally go to Immortal Lake.

Salvatore, who had been with Jordan for a long time, understood his feelings very well.

Jordan had said that they were going to Mutant Tribe to ask if the Mutant Tribe had anything to do with the memory disorder.

But Salvatore could sense Jordan's inner turmoil.

Salvatore thought to himself: 'Oh f*ck. This time, Mr. Jordan will definitely fight his uncle! Mr. Jordan is going to disrupt the wedding this time! Victoria is really a femme fatale, causing uncle and nephew to turn against each other. Sigh, it would have been good if you had listened to me and married Emily instead. F*ck, I don't think we have enough people. I wonder if we can defeat them at the Immortal Lake later!'

Salvatore was very anxious. He behaved like he was going into a battle.

Salvatore swallowed and asked nervously, "Mr. Jordan, urn, are we bringing too few people? Should we call Dragon over? Or should we discuss our strategy first before going to the lake? The mutants are not easy to deal with."

Jordan did not reply.

All he knew was that he wanted to reach the wedding venue as soon as possible. He was not going there to fight with his uncle.

Soon, Jordan's plane landed near the Immortal Lake in Mount Denali.

Jordan, Salvatore and the rest alighted from the plane. After getting off the plane, some people immediately surrounded them.

"Who are you? This is a private place. No one is allowed to enter! Leave this place immediately!"

These people were all holding guns. They were just ordinary guns, not laser weapons.

Jordan glanced at the men and realized that they were all wearing the same uniform. They looked like ordinary soldiers and not like the people from the Mutant Tribe.

Members of the Mutant Tribe dressed in very unique and individualistic outfits that represented their own characteristics.

Moreover, Randall and Victoria's wedding was a major event for the Mutant Tribe.

At this moment, all the mutants were probably attending their wedding in the Immortal Lake. They would not be out here as guards at all.

Would Jordan stop because of these insignificant foot soldiers?

Jordan completely ignored them and continued walking forward.

"B*stard! Don't you understand what I'm saying?! If you take another step, I'll shoot!"


Salvatore snatched the person's pistol and broke it with his hand. He then punched this person until he was bleeding profusely.


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