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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 1192

The Chinese song from the end of the last century happened to be what Jordan's father, Rowan, had heard when he was young.

Jordan believed that even if this Chinese song was very popular back then, it would not have become popular in Korea. His father must have recommended it to Park Anya.

Park Anya must be missing Rowan at this moment.

Just like that, she sat quietly in the courtyard and kept repeating the Chinese song. The snow became heavier and heavier. Soon, she almost blended in with the snow.

After about half an hour, Park Anya got up and walked into the room.

At this moment, Park Sora said, "Mommy is going back to her room to sleep. What should we do now? Do we go back?"

However, Jordan did not want to go back so early. He looked at Park Anya's lonely figure and wanted to comfort her or do something for her.

Besides, he owed her an apology.

Not only him, but his father also owed Park Anya even more.

"Sora, can you wait for me in the courtyard for a while? I want to go in and talk to your mother," said Jordan.

"Huh? Aren't you afraid of affecting the timeline?" Park Sora was surprised. "You and Mom shouldn't be meeting at this time. Have you forgotten?"

Jordan said, "Of course, I won't meet her as me. I want to apologize to her as my father."

Park Sora was even more shocked. "Ah?"

Jordan did not want to explain anything to Park Sora. He used the voice changer set to his father's voice parameters and walked into the house.

Jordan knew that his father's personality had changed drastically ever since he fought with Randall for the position of the Steele's residence. In the past, he was also very carefree and charming, the type that many girls liked.

However, ever since Randall faked his death, his father had become taciturn and would not say a lot of his heartfelt words. He knew that Rowan would never take the initiative to look for Park Anya and apologize to her in his life.

Jordan wanted to do this for his father.

Knock! Knock!

Jordan knocked on Park Anya's bedroom door.

"Who is it?"

Park Anya had just taken off her clothes and changed into her pajamas. She was wiping her wet hair with a towel.

Jordan did not reply and pushed the door open.

When he pushed the door open and entered, the lights in the room were instantly extinguished, and the window was covered by a black cloth.

The door that had just been pushed open quickly closed again.

A black shadow appeared in front of Park Anya-ya.

The room was dark, and Park Anya could not see the person in front of her clearly.

Caught up in this situation, Park Anya panicked but still had the mine to take her phone secretly. She wanted to see the person in front of her clearly through the light.

However, Park Anya's phone instantly exploded!

"Damn it, why is the battery of the Samsung phone still like this!"

Park Anya did not think that the explosion of the phone was caused by the man in front of her.

"Who are you?" Park Anya asked in English.

Hidden in the darkness, Jordan did not reply. Instead, he took out his phone and played a song.

[You asked me where the last true love of this world is.]

[I point the clue out to sea and into my arms.]

[If your heart, always close your ears.]


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