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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 197

Jordan was reminded of Hailey at this moment.

Hailey was a materialistic and money-minded woman who wouldn't hesitate to ditch her husband once he was penniless!

Wilson's girlfriend was the same too. If she really loved him, she wouldn't force him to pay the remaining amount of $20,000.

Wilson stayed silent after being taught a lesson by Jordan,

He had said those exact words to his girlfriend before!

He had also asked her the same question!

He asked her if he could just give $20,000 and why she insisted that he gave $40,000 before she would be willing to marry him. He also asked if she loved him or not.

However, it was pointless because she could righteously and justifiably tell him that she wouldn't marry him unless he gave her $40,000. She even demanded that he buy the house in full under her name!

Russell took a sip of wine, put the glass down, and said, "Jordan, what are you doing? Not only are you not helping Wilson, but you're also even encouraging him not to give his girlfriend a single cent?"

"Aren't you forcing them to break up then? Don't you know that you shouldn't be breaking a good couple up?"

Jordan asked Russell, "Do you think demanding for him to give a house, a car, and a monetary gift of $40,000 before she's willing to marry him, is reasonable?"

Russell said, "Of course it's reasonable. $40,000 is quite a small amount! If I were in his place, I'd give at least $200,000!"

"You don't even own a house. Wouldn't your girlfriend suffer after marrying you?"

"If you can't even afford tens of thousands of dollars, you're a loser!"

"Only a man who is incapable will resent the idea of giving your partner money before marriage!"

Jordan could not help but sneer. Russell was rich, so of course, he'd be glad to say that.

If Jordan was really a poor man, he might really think that what Russell said made sense. Still, he had met too many types of people and seen too much to be intimidated by Russell's twisted logic!

Jordan pointed at Russell and said, "No wonder the young girls nowadays are so materialistic and despise men who are of the same age as them. They've all been brainwashed by old men like you!"

"Old rich men like you who hold high societal positions continuously instill such thoughts into young women by telling them that they should pursue luxurious things even if it's not within their means to do so."

"You guys can then overcome the disadvantage of being an older man and be cradle snatchers."

"Russell Miller, I initially thought you were a socially responsible entrepreneur, but now I realize that you are such a shameless person!"

Russell also got rather worked up. "You... bullshit! You're penniless and incompetent, but you're blaming it on others? If you were capable, who would be able to snatch your wife?"

Russell was feeling diffident enough, but Jordan's words had hit the nail on its head.

In the past few years, he had dated many young and beautiful women, including some who had husbands or boyfriends, all thanks to his wealth and status. Some of them even loved their significant others very much.

Just like what Jordan said, Russell would talk about expensive villas, sports cars, travel tours, and upscale luxury goods from time to time.

He would tell these women that they ought to have these material possessions or else they would live their lives in vain.

He also told them that they shouldn't marry a man who could not give them these things.

Under the subtle influence, Russell didn't have to go out of his way to court those women at all. After having instilled those thoughts within those women, it was only a matter of time before they would sleep with them.

In fact, Russell had used the same method to coax Victoria and convince her to become his woman!

That wasn't all. During those three years that Victoria had been his mistress, Russell had also been continuously instilling those thoughts into Victoria's mind and telling her that she ought to marry a capable man.

That was the reason that Russell was so confident that Victoria and Jordan wouldn't last six months.


Jordan was naturally capable, and he was excellent in martial arts, fighting, piano, and other fields.

However, it was based on the premise that he had gone through professional training and worked extremely hard.


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