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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 206

At 7pm in Saitama Super Arena.

There were 30,000 seats in the arena, and those who could get their hands on the VIP seats in the first row were exceptionally wealthy.

Cayden and Hailey were both wearing the jersey of American superstar LeBron James.

Cayden was wearing the Knicks jersey while Hailey was wearing the Lakers jersey.

They were clearly fans of Lebron James.

James was now one of the most famous players today who had many fans worldwide, and countless fans were in Tokyo just to see him in action.

When Cayden saw Victoria, he addressed her as 'Aunt."

He addressed Russell as 'Uncle Russell.' Now that he had addressed Victoria as Aunt,' he clearly treated Victoria as Russell's wife.

"What did you call me?" Victoria asked.

Since Russell acted as mediator and made peace between Cayden and Victoria, Cayden had been respectful to Victoria, so she couldn't really flare up at him.

Cayden no longer dared to provoke Victoria because she might one day become Russell's wife, and he would be in trouble if she were to badmouth him.

Cayden quickly slapped himself and said, "Ah, it was a slip of the tongue. I made you sound older than you really are, Victoria."

Upon meeting Victoria this time, Hailey was no longer aggressive towards her. Instead, she looked at Victoria with a kind smile. She looked at the No. 30 Stephen Curry jersey that Victoria was wearing.

She praised, "Ah, Victoria, you like Curry? I like him too. The jersey makes you look so young. You look like you're in your twenties!"

Victoria was a little surprised. Previously, Hailey would be very hostile towards her whenever they met.

Why was she so polite this time?

Hailey predicted that Victoria would become Russell's wife. Since Victoria would be her senior once she married Russel, Hailey couldn't offend her now.

However, although she was praising Victoria, she was scolding her in her head.

'Hmph, Victoria Clarke, you probably didn't know that I had fun with Jordan when you were out for dinner with Russell that night!"

The thought of making Victoria a cuckold made Hailey exhilarated because she enjoyed the thrill of snatching the man of another woman!

It was especially so since Victoria had slapped her before!

Cayden asked, "I heard that you've gone to work at Perry Express, right, Victoria? Why did you decide to work for our business rival? My grandfather said that he can offer you any salary you want. Come to Breezy Express."

Victoria said politely, "Thank you for your kind intentions, Mr. Huxley. I think I'd better learn the ropes at Perry Express first."

Cayden laughed hysterically and said, "Hahaha, yes, you have never run a logistic company. It won't be too late for you to learn and gain experience in a smaller company before joining us."

Cayden's words were full of ridicule and disdain for Perry Express.

He wasn't aware of Jordan's plan at all, nor did he know that the Huxleys' Breezy Express would soon be defeated badly!

Displeased to see Jordan's contemptuous expression, Cayden snapped, "Jordan, Victoria's father... Her father's friend is like an uncle to me. He helped you plead for mercy and made peace between us. Now, you can sleep in peace knowing that I won't create trouble for you."

Jordan sneered, thinking to himself, 'He sounds so cocky. He must be waiting for me to thank him for sparing me.'

Jordan said, "Thank you for your concern, I always sleep well, but you ought to be more careful. I heard that Maggie has released a Japanese single in the past, so she has plenty of fans here."

"You cheated her out of her feelings, be careful. Her fans might take revenge on you."

"You..." Cayden was diffident and fearful.

There was a sudden uproar at this moment.

The American team and the Greek team had already entered the arena and were walking to the court!



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