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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 223

Yes, it's the man who launched the manned rocket to space a while ago.

He is the richest man globally, and some people call him the "Iron Man" of the real world.

His horizons, vision, and thinking, are far beyond that of other businessmen.

Acts like colonizing Mars, traveling by rocket, and building the Hyperloop may seem crazy to ordinary people, but he was determined to make it a reality.

When he first founded SpaceX, he had looked for Jordan's grandfather, who was impressed by him and invested a large sum of money in his projects.

However, Jordan's grandfather decided to stop the funding because the expenditure was getting out of hand.

The Steeles lent at least four billion dollars to him.

Hence, to attract Cayden and the others this time so as to Arnold sneak in smoothly to see the items in the locker, Jordan borrowed a "UFO" from Elon Musk.

Elon Musk naturally agreed to such a trivial matter, and he even exchanged some pleasantries with Jordan.

Elon Musk asked Jordan, "Do you want me to take you out to have some fun?"

Jordan asked, "Where to?"

Elon answered, "To space!"

Jordan snapped, "Get lost!"

Like a top salesman, Musk told Jordan, "Come on man, the era of manned spaceflight has already begun. You just need to pay $100 million to enjoy space travel!"

Jordan's grandfather had instructed Jordan and his siblings to turn around and leave as soon as they saw Musk and avoid him as far as possible.

Reason being, Musk used to borrow money to fund his space projects that burned too much money.

Jordan chided Musk over the phone, "Trust you to have the nerve to ask me for money. You haven't returned the four billion that you owe my family!"

Musk said unabashedly, "I will pay you back on Mars after we successfully immigrate there!"

Jordan cursed and then hung up.

At this moment, Cayden and Hailey were admiring the UFO that had appeared out of nowhere.

However, Hailey was only interested in luxury homes, cars, and clothes. She knew nothing about UFOs.

She asked softly, "Are you playing golf with Arnold again?"

"Yes." Cayden nodded and was about to ask Arnold to also say hello to his wife.

However, when he turned around to take a look, Arnold was no longer there!

Cayden immediately hung up the video call and exclaimed in shock, "Why is Arnold missing!?!"

The next second, Cayden and his friends immediately scurried inside and happened to see Arnold standing beside their private locker!

Arnold panicked when he saw Cayden rushing over.

However, he was experienced enough and immediately said with a calm smile, "What's the matter? Has the UFO flown away?"

Cayden sized up Arnold and suddenly realized that Arnold had deliberately tried to get close to him recently, probably because of a hidden agenda and not to jump ship to Breezy Express.

Cayden said with a sinister smile, "Arnold, you came in here and unlocked our private locker. What were you trying to do? Investigate on me?"


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