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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 229

The moment Emily heard the gunshot, she was so frightened that her legs went limp.

Jordan, standing outside the door, was just as shocked because he knew how dangerous firearms were.

It wasn't surprising that ordinary citizens carried guns with them.

However, it was shocking that a shooting would occur in a prestigious hotel like the Ritz Carlton.

"1 didn't expect it to be so unsafe even in a five-star hotel."

Jordan was glad that he had come over to look for Emily. Otherwise, it would be terrible if something happened to her.

The man who had just shot someone dead happened to see Jordan standing outside Emily's door, and he quickly walked over while holding up his gun.

"Hey man, calm down, calm down!"

Jordan tried to calm the man down while reaching into his pocket for his cell phone.

On the other hand, Emily, who was in the hotel room, immediately asked after hearing his words, "Jordan, what's happening outside? Is someone shooting with a gun? Hurry up and come inside. I'll open the door for you!"

Emily immediately opened the door, but Jordan stopped her. "Don't open the door! Lock the door and stay inside!"

Emily muttered, "Jordan..."

At this moment, Emily felt a strong urge to cry, but she didn't dare to let her tears roll down her cheeks.

She realized at this moment that the tall men she liked, who made her feel safe, were not of any help at all.

If Cayden was outside, he would have probably risked getting Emily involved and knocked hard on the door to get her to let him in.

However, Jordan was extremely concerned about her safety and valued her life more than his own!

However, as the saying goes, one should never take on a task without the required skills.

Jordan did so because he had been practicing martial arts since he was little and had trained hard on the battlefield before. Hence, he had long been experienced in fighting barehanded against an armed enemy.

However, the man completely ignored Jordan's warning.

Jordan took out his cell phone and flung it out!

If there were bystanders, they would definitely find Jordan's incredible speed and the precision of his angle breathtaking.

His phone darted towards the man's face.

At the same time, Jordan quickly took off the watch on his left wrist.

Whenever Jordan goes out without a weapon, he would surely wear a watch, but unlike those men who wear watches to show off their statuses and pretend to be impressive, Jordan does so for self-defense.

He would never wear watches with leather straps, and all the watches he wore had steel straps.

Only watches with steel straps would deal his opponents a painful blow, thus allowing him to instantly defeat his opponents or buy time for himself.

His watch had a special mechanism that would make it automatically fall off as soon as it was given a hard smack.

Picking up the heavy watch, Jordan quickly flung it out forcefully. This time, it was flung directly into the opponent's gun-wielding hand.

The man's eye was first smashed by the phone, so his vision was blocked too. He wanted to blindly fire, but he was quickly hit in the wrist by the watch, causing his pistol to fall to the ground.

These actions were almost completed in an instant.

Jordan rolled over, kicked the gun to the side, and knocked the man down with two punches.

A normal person would not be able to remain sober after being punched twice by Jordan- not even Mike Tyson in his prime. Moreover, they were caught off guard.


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