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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 252

Jordan got up and hugged Victoria tightly.

Victoria closed her eyes, and tears of joy kept streaming down her delicate face.

She was already 31 years old, and although she had been surrounded by many suitors all these years, she always felt that she would end up alone until she met Jordan.

Jordan was in high spirits, too, because Victoria was the best woman he had ever met and also the woman who treated him the best.

When everyone ridiculed and humiliated him for being abandoned by his wife and the Steele family, Victoria was the only one who was willing to stay by his side.

Jordan took out the sparkling diamond ring from the diamond ring box, gently lifted Victoria's delicate hand, and put the ring on her ring finger.

Victoria was incredibly touched, and she realized that the ring was not tacky at all. She exclaimed with some surprise, "This diamond ring... is beautiful!"

The diamond ring was designed by New York's top bespoke jewelry brand, Lorraine Schwartz. It was made of an octagonally-cut 18-carat diamonds that was set in a platinum base.

The toughness of the diamond represented the indestructible love he had for her!

Emily, who was at the side, had already taken out her DSLR camera and assumed the role of the photographer.

While taking pictures, she explained, "Vicky, this diamond ring is worth seven million dollars. Jordan specially had it custom-made for you!"

Seven million dollars!

That's as much as the price of a villa in New York City!

Besides, it would take a few million dollars to charter the island too.

Jordan had spent more than ten million dollars just for those two things!

Victoria looked at Jordan in surprise and asked, "Where did you get the money from?"

Jordan had already put the diamond ring on Victoria's left ring finger. At this moment, he also had to come clean with her.

"Victoria, I'd like to apologize to you. In fact, my expulsion from the Steele family is a lie, and I have always been a part of the family," Jordan said.

Emily, who knew the truth a long time ago, also smiled and said, "That's not all, Sis. He's now the richest man in the country, and the corporation, J Corporation, which has been acquiring major companies, was built by him."

Victoria was completely dumbfounded.

"You were not expelled from the family? Does J Corporation belong to you?"

J was the initial of Jordan's name!

Jordan nodded.

However, Victoria was really exasperated to learn of the news. "In that case, you've been lying to me all this well? If you were so distrusting of me, forget about marrying


As Victoria spoke, she was about to take off the ring that Jordan had just put on her finger.

Jordan hurriedly hugged Victoria and stopped her. "Victoria, it's not like that. Let me explain."

"At that time, I learned that Hailey deceived me because she had clearly slept with Tyler, but she lied and told me that she didn't do anything with him."

"That wasn't it. She also had an ambiguous affair with Cayden and went on dates with him every day even after she got pregnant."

"I wanted to divorce her, but before Hailey's grandaunt passed, she made me promise her that I wouldn't divorce Hailey."

"Hailey's grandaunt had saved my life, and I didn't want her to leave this world with regrets, so I agreed."


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