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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 272

Jordan had been lying in ambush in the villa and had been waiting for a long time!

After kicking the door open, Jordan immediately turned on the bedroom light. It got a clear glimpse of the man's appearance.

Unlike what Hailey said, he wasn't an average-looking man but a very handsome one who had a somewhat feminine charm.

He also had long hair and not a buzzcut.

Of course, it was possible that he had a buzzcut last year and had merely grown his hair out this year.

Jordan found the man somewhat familiar-looking for a moment, but he had really never met him before.

This person, too, could not be Jordan's enemy.


When the man saw Jordan, he was obviously caught off guard and startled by Jordan's sudden appearance, so he immediately got off the bed.

Jordan looked at the man with a cold gaze and exclaimed ruthlessly, "Punk, today is the day you will die!"

The young man was about the same age as Jordan, and Jordan could tell at a glance that he was a wealthy second-generation heir too. Since he had provoked Jordan, there was no reason for Jordan to let him off!

However, the young man was not alarmed, and he exclaimed smilingly, "Haha, I'm not interested in Hailey

Camden anymore, goodbye!"

After saying that, the young man tried to reach out to carry Jordan and Hailey's son.

"You must have a death wish!"

Jordan quickly took off the watch on his left wrist and darted towards the man in a whoosh!

If this man jumped straight to the window and left in the first second of seeing Jordan, he would still have a chance to get away since he could quickly climb into the third floor.

However, this man was so conceited that he wanted to carry the baby away right in front of Jordan. He was really overestimating himself!

"You can't even leave yourself, and you still want to take the baby with you!"

However, to Jordan's surprise, when the watch flew over and was just about to touch the man's face, the man quickly reached his arm out and blocked it!


Jordan was surprised by how quickly the man had reacted!

Generally speaking, ordinary people would not be able to catch the things thrown by Jordan.

However, after throwing the watch, Jordan did not stay idle and instead caught up to attack!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The man took two punches and a kick from Jordan, whose attacks were so quick that the man could no longer carry the baby.

"Damn it!"

The man was furious.

However, Jordan was even more shocked by the man's tolerance because he didn't get knocked down by the punches and kicks he threw.

Jordan was almost fooled by the man's somewhat effeminate appearance. Although he was somewhat feminine-looking, his body was very toned, and he was obviously skilled in martial arts.

Jordan did not dare to be careless and continued to kick him.


The man was kicked to the window by Jordan, after which he jumped straight down from the window.

Jordan came to the window and saw the man land in an extremely standard and safe landing position. He then rolled on the ground before getting up.

His actions looked smooth and fluid. He was skilled and didn't get injured at all.

The man was on the first floor, looking at Jordan on the third floor. He laughed and exclaimed, "Jordan, you're pretty skilled, eh? Unfortunately, I'm in a hurry today. I'll abuse you another day!"

After saying that, the man wanted to leave quickly.

However, he had just taken two steps when dozens of bright lights in the dark courtyard of the villa suddenly lit up!

They were none other than Pablo's men!


Jordan humphed coldly in disdain. 'This dude really thinks he can leave.'


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