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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 289

However, after what happened to Hailey last time, she didn't care about the benefits that the Steeles' descendants would enjoy, as Jordan had guaranteed.

She had always been an independent and proud woman. Women like her wouldn't waver even they were offered better benefits and living conditions by others because they felt that the life they lived was the best.

She agreed quickly to Jordan's request, mainly because she had just learned about Brad and Hailey.

She felt that she had really let Jordan down.

Lauren added, "I heard your brother mentioning before that the children of the Steeles should be handed over to your family to be raised."

"If the paternity test results prove that Chloe is really your daughter, I hope that the child will continue to be raised by me personally. Please don't send someone to take her away."

Jordan nodded and said, "Yes, I can assure you about that."

"If you had given birth to a son, I'm afraid I can't really make the decision because Grandpa has his own plans for his son's growth. The requirements for girls aren't that strict."


After the two finished saying that, they remained silent, and they were still quite awkward with each other now.

After a moment of silence, Lauren suddenly asked, "How

are things between you and Victoria?"

Jordan smiled and said, "We're doing very well. I proposed to her, and she has said yes. If Hailey hadn't given birth and led to so many subsequent events, we should have already gotten married by now."


Lauren looked rather calm, and she forced herself to smile. "Uh... you've been with Chloe all day, and I haven't seen you talking to her on the phone. You guys are in the honeymoon period of your relationship now. You should be talking to each other on the phone every day."

"I'll leave you alone and go get some rest now. You go have a chat with your girlfriend."

Jordan didn't expect Lauren to take the initiative to say those words. "Oh, alright, I'll see you tomorrow then."

After Lauren left, Jordan stood in the middle of the courtyard and looked up at the city's night sky.

Snowflakes kept flying downwards and landing on Jordan's face, but he didn't feel cold at all.

Well, he had clearly chartered the entire island and got on his knees to propose to Victoria.

It should be the sweetest period of their relationship, but Jordan had been separated from Victoria for a long time lately.

Not only could they not see each other, but Jordan had also even stopped his daily routine of speaking to Victoria on the phone and communicating via text messages.

Jordan was having a difficult time before he saw Lauren.

Now that he had finally learned the truth, Jordan no longer had to feel melancholic anymore.

"But how should I tell Victoria that I suddenly have a three-year-old daughter now?"

Jordan felt that Victoria would definitely mind it if he told her about it.

'But the most important thing between a married couple is honesty. We shouldn't hide anything from each other! Victoria is just that honest with me. She's willing to tell me about her past and the fact that she used to be Russell's mistress. Why should I hide it from her?'

Having made up his mind, Jordan called Victoria.


The phone rang several times, and Victoria finally answered.

Just like last time, Victoria's voice was still weak and soft.

'Could it be that she has just woken up this time?'

Jordan didn't bother about the details and instead asked, "Honey, where are you now?"


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