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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 309

A familiar woman's voice sounded.

However, that voice came not from Victoria, but her sister Emily!

Jordan was enjoying the feeling of reuniting with his loved one after a long time.

However, after hearing Emily's voice, he quickly retracted his hands and took a step back, like he had been electrocuted.

Fortunately, the lights in the house were not on at this moment, so no one saw how awkward Jordan was.

"Em... Emily?"

Jordan stammered. 'What a close shave. If Emily had called out a second later, I would have kissed her.'

If Victoria were to see that scene, he wouldn't be able to explain himself at all.

Jordan frantically switched on the lights in the room and when he saw it was indeed Emily, he said, "Emily, what are you doing here? Isn't this Victoria's room?"

Jordan suspected Clinton was lying to him.

Emily was also blushing, and a little too scared to look at Jordan.

She said awkwardly, "This is Victoria's room. I came upstairs to get something but as soon as I entered, Victoria suddenly asked me to switch off the lights."

"It's dark in here and I have night blindness. I don't dare to wander about too. I'll just stand here."

Jordan said, "Oh, I see."

After Emily saw Jordan, she suddenly giggled playfully and teased, "Jordan, you're really something. You actually really climbed in through the window to see my sister. I really like this plot!"

Jordan shook his head and asked, "Where is your sister?"

Emily pointed outside and said, "She's in the living room on the first floor. Quickly, go beg for her forgiveness. I'll wait for your good news."

"Hey, do you need me to bring you another pillow? If Victoria forgives you later, she'll definitely come upstairs to sleep. Well, you guys haven't met each other for such a long time. Haha."

Emily secretly giggled, thinking to herself that Victoria was very fond of joking with Jordan.

Jordan looked at Victoria's bed and said, "It's okay, Victoria and I will move out once we make up."

"This is Russell's home. I don't want you guys to live here."

"By the way, Emily, I also bought a few villas here. One for Victoria and one for you."

Hearing this, Emily froze on the spot. "What did you say? You want to buy me one villa here?"

Jordan nodded with a smile.


Emily got excited and hugged Jordan on the spot. She even kissed Jordan on the cheek and exclaimed, "Thank you, Jordan! You're the best!"

Feeling extremely awkward, Jordan frantically wiped the spot on his cheek that Emily had just kissed. "If your sister saw that, she'll ignore me even if I spend the entire night trying to convince her."

However, Emily was very bold and liberal. She said, "Haha, it's alright, I've already removed my makeup and I'm not wearing any lipstick. Just go, press on!"

Jordan checked the mirror carefully and walked out, only after confirming that there was no way Victoria could tell anything.

It was still dark outside the room. Jordan turned on the flashlight of his cell phone and slowly came down the stairs. He then whispered in the empty villa, "Victoria, I'm here."

When Jordan came to the living room on the first floor, Victoria, who was sitting on the sofa, also finally took out the remote control and turned on the lights in the living room.


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