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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 352

After learning that Lauren had possibly agreed to marry him out of spite and impulse, Chris decided to give Lauren a warning.

He was a male chauvinist who cared the most about his pride, and he would never allow Lauren to impulsively decide to marry him and then change her mind as and when she pleased.

On the other hand, Lauren was a person who had set her priorities right and knew to make the right decisions.

"Don't worry, since I have decided to marry you, I will not change my mind."

Chris grinned happily, knowing that Lauren had always been a dignified and reliable woman, who was perfect for a wife.

She wasn't like the vast majority of heiresses of wealthy families who threw tantrums and created trouble all the time.

Hence, Chris happily discussed with Lauren about the details about their wedding.

For example, the site for the wedding photo shoot, and whether they should have it abroad or in the country.

For example, the type of wedding ring and gown that Lauren preferred.

For example, the bridesmaids and whether to invite any celebrities.

While Chris was pestering Lauren to discuss the details of their wedding, Jordan had been teaching Chloe to play the piano inside the house.

Two hours later.

Only then did Lauren and Chris come over to see how Jordan and Chloe were doing.

She was secretly amazed that Chloe had managed to sit still to play the piano for two hours because that had never happened before. Usually, she would be clamoring about going outside to play after playing the piano for just half an hour.

Indeed, a child's father tends to be better at handling his child than the teacher. She knew that paternal love would affect a child's growth, so she didn't want to deprive Chloe of it.

Lauren walked over and squatted in front of Chloe before ruffling her hair and saying with a gleeful smile on her face, "You're such a good girl, Chloe. You must be tired from playing the piano for such a long time, right? It's time to eat."

It was already lunchtime, and Chloe was indeed a little hungry.


Lauren too, carried Chloe off the chair.

At this moment, Lauren couldn't help but politely ask Jordan, "Are you going to stay for lunch?"

Jordan had said such hurtful words to Lauren last night. If she were another woman, she would have long treated Jordan as an enemy when they met again!

However, after Jordan apologized, Lauren's attitude became much mellower, and she even invited Jordan to stay behind for lunch!

'Lauren is really a good woman.'

Jordan sighed as he thought to himself. He then said, "Sure, I'd like to spend more time with Chloe too."

"Yay! That's awesome!" Chloe clapped her hands happily.

At this moment, Chris said coldly, "I bet you're just using Chloe as an excuse to get a free meal here."

"Jordan, I'm afraid you don't even have the money for lunch now, right?"

Jordan looked extremely embarrassed because he really didn't have money for lunch now!

He didn't have any cash with him and he couldn't use the mobile payment system on his phone either.

Chris had always wanted to take revenge on Jordan, and now that he had met Jordan while the latter was down and out, how could he be willing to miss the opportunity to rub it in and kick Jordan while he was down?

Chris laughed and said, "Lauren, you probably don't know that Jordan couldn't even afford to pay for his cab fare of three dollars just now, and Chloe ended up paying for it with her pocket money. That was so embarrassing. I've never seen such a disgraceful man!"

Jordan's face was flushed, and he wanted to snap at Chris, but if he were to do so, it would only prove that he was incompetent!

The only way to shut Chris up was to smash money onto his face!

However, Jordan could not bring himself to do it!

Lauren was appalled, and she asked in huge disbelief, "How is that possible? Can't you use your mobile


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