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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 356

Chris repeatedly tried to test Jordan's patience, so Jordan had long wanted to beat him up into a pulp.

Chris previously insulted Jordan and called him poor, but Jordan couldn't retort because he was indeed really penniless now. If he were to get physical, it would be akin to admitting that he was an incompetent loser and that he was jealous of Chris, who was wealthy.

However, it was a personality issue for Chris to insult Jordan by accusing him of having an affair with Lisa.

However, Jordan's punch did not land on Chris.

Chris was undoubtedly a martial arts practitioner. He hurriedly raised his arm to resist and got into an attacking stance. He yelled, "Do you want to fight? Bring it on! Since the last time I fought you, I've been wanting to fight you every single day!"

Chris was defeated by Jordan the last time, and after that, he had been training hard every day in a bid to regain his pride.

However, how could Lauren watch Chris and Jordan fight?

Lauren interjected, "Can you guys not fight in front of Chloe?"

Although Jordan really wanted to teach Chris a lesson, he decided to tolerate it for Chloe's sake because he didn't want Chloe to think that her father was a violent man.

Chloe walked over and asked Jordan, "Dad, do you not have a place to live in anymore since you've given the key to your house to that lady?"

Children are immature and tend to say whatever comes to mind, so her words made Chris laugh out loud.

"Hahaha, Chloe, you're so right. Jordan Steele doesn't even have a place to live now, hahaha."

Jordan was now penniless and had returned the key to the house he was staying in, so he would probably have to sleep on the street tonight.

Chloe continued to raise her head and exclaimed, "Awesome! In that case, Daddy, sleep with me and Mommy! The three of us will sleep together!"

Chris, who was laughing and smiling, instantly turned pale and no longer felt that Chloe's words were pleasing to his ears.

With a strong desire to spite Chris, Jordan stroked Chloe's head and said, "Okay, baby, I'll sleep next to you and Mommy."

"I'll cripple you if you f***ing dare to sleep next to Lauren!" Chris flew into a rage immediately.

Jordan retorted unceremoniously, "I'm going to sleep next to my daughter. It has nothing to do with you!"

With an awkward expression, Lauren looked at Jordan and said, "Don't say that. You might cause a misunderstanding easily. Chris and I are about to get married soon, so it's really not appropriate for you to stay here."

"If you don't have a place to stay, I can arrange a place for you, or book a hotel room for you."

Last night, Jordan said that Lauren had resorted to unscrupulous means to marry him, which left Lauren with no choice but to be a little heartless towards him now.

She did not want to let Jordan stay in her house again, lest he mistakenly think that she would want to take the opportunity to get close to him or something.

Besides, Lauren knew that given Chris's temper and character, he would never allow a stranger to live in his fiancee's house because of how prideful he was.

Seeing that Lauren also did not agree to let Jordan stay here, Chris guffawed and gibed, "Hear that, pauper!?! If you don't have enough money to stay in a hotel, I can give you some! Forget about staying in my fiancee's house!"

Jordan didn't want to get into an argument with Chris in Chloe's presence, so Jordan took Lauren's hand and said, "I have something to say to you."

Seeing that Jordan was pulling Lauren's hand, Chris immediately snapped, "Hey, what are you doing? Let go of my woman!"

With Jordan holding her hand, Lauren's heart skipped a beat and pounded rapidly. She turned her head to face Chris and explained, 'Go outside and wait for me. We do need to talk about Chloe."


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