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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 358

Elie and Jordan were both very surprised to meet each other in DC!


Elie rode in the passenger seat, still wearing skimpy clothing that accentuated her figure despite the cold.

Although the window on her side was rolled down, she didn't even look at Jordan. After all, Jordan was now a security officer, and no rich girl in a Ferrari would care what a security officer looked like.

If Jordan had not called her name, Elie may never have noticed him.

Elie scanned Jordan up and down. Knowing what had happened to Jordan recently, she asked, "You... came to DC to be a security officer?"

Jordan nodded with embarrassment.

Jordan used to be the president of the J Corporation, who was high up in the air and looked up to by the Camdens. Elie even threw herself at her in a skin-tight dress whenever they met.

However, Jordan was now just a security officer to Elie.

"Why are you in DC?"

Jordan asked, knowing that Elie should be schooling in Orlando at this time.

Elie replied, "I'm now studying at a film academy and I'm preparing to become an actress!"

Jordan was shocked, and he asked, "Why did you suddenly join a film academy and decide to enter the

entertainment industry?"

Elie answered, "In fact, I've been intending to learn to act and I came here last summer to sit for the examination and the interview for the film academy. I was also accepted by DC Film Academy, but my parents refused to let me go."

"Now that my family is broke, they agreed to let me enter the entertainment industry to make money."

Jordan nodded. He understood very well what Elie's parents were like.

In fact, the Camdens had always thought highly of themselves and although they were a second-tier family, their requirements for their children were like that of top-tier families and that was, their children were not allowed to join the entertainment industry.

Now, the Camdens, with the exception of Hailey, who had received about 300 million dollars from Brad, were heavily in debt.

Hailey and Elie had always been at odds, and it was impossible for Hailey to give her money.

The fact that Elie was now going to join the entertainment industry was also the result of Jordan's revenge on Hailey.

Jordan asked, "Did I just hear her call you Jenna just now?"

Elie laughed and said, "Haha, it's Jenny. J-E-N-N-Y. I've changed my name to Jenny. Jenny Camden's my stage name now!"

"I don't like my given name! It's harder for people to remember me!"

Elie was indeed a less catchy name than Jenny.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Jordan felt he didn't know her anymore.

Elie had changed too much. Her facial features and figure had changed drastically because she had undergone plastic surgery.

Even her character had changed. She had become more mature and understanding.

Previously, Elie had mocked Jordan on numerous occasions, but since she learned about his identity, she had been very nice to him, even though he had repeatedly become penniless.

The beautiful woman in the driver's seat smiled and said, "Jenny, thanks to this hunk, I got to know that you used to be named Elie."

Jordan, too, smiled and looked at the beauty in the driver's seat. Elie smiled and introduced, "This is my classmate from the filmed academy, Dakota."

"Hello." Jordan greeted her.

"Hello." Dakota was rather polite to Jordan, because she knew he was acquainted with Elie.

Dakota asked, "Do I need a proof of purchase to park my car upstairs? There you go."


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