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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 375

"Are you going to manipulate my consciousness again?"

Lauren was speaking calmly, without any fear or repulsion towards Dr. Gale's hypnosis and consciousness manipulation.

On the contrary, there was a hint of inconspicuous excitement and anticipation amidst her calmness.

Not just anyone can have their consciousness guided and manipulated. It had to be someone like Lauren who had experienced great trauma and was living an unfortunate life.

The reason was simple. What should a person with a blissful life immerse himself or herself in a made-up world?

However, Lauren couldn't be with the person she was in love with in real life, so she would want to be immersed in an illusory world where she could be together with Jordan and obtain happiness.

Matt nodded and said, "It might take a long time this time. Do you want to call someone at home to inform them?"

"Okay." Lauren picked up the phone and called her maid to give her an explanation so that she would take care of Chloe.

Afterwards, Matt made a cup of coffee for Lauren, which although, looked like coffee, was also laced with some drug that would leave a patient immersed in a hypnotic state she could not get out of easily.

Matt then instructed Lauren to lie down on the sofa and close her eyes in the most comfortable and relaxed state.

It was so quiet in the room that the sound of a pin drop could be heard, because Matt's office was soundproofed to the standards of a recording studio.

Even if there was a huge ruckus going on outside the room, they wouldn't be able to hear it outside the room and similarly, the people outside wouldn't be able to hear them.

There was warm air coming out of the central air conditioner and Matt took off his jacket before taking out a black hourglass timer. He then turned it over and started timing.

Matt stretched out his left index finger and gently fiddled with a black pendulum-like object, which began to swing at a rate of 40 BPM.

At this moment, Matt said slowly, "You're now on a cruise ship, which is in the middle of an endless sea. You're feeling terrible and you've drunk a lot of liquor at the bar."

"A waiter helped you back to your room, and you were swaying unsteadily, so he held onto your waist, put you on the bed, closed the door, and then began to pounce onto you..."

At this moment, Lauren had already been hypnotized and was completely immersed in the scenario Matt had made up due to the spiked coffee.


Lauren seemed resistant, and her body was swaying too because she was extremely repulsed by it.

Matt continued, "That man who pounced on you is quite handsome, but he's a total lecher. He may be a little refined, but he's a wolf in sheep's clothing."

"No... No..." Lauren still refuted.

However, Matt said, "You know that man, too. Besides, he had just hurt you previously. His name is Jordan Steele!"

At this moment, in the room next door.

Chris said, "That's right. It's that beast, livestream!"

Chris and Robb stared at the surveillance camera footage in front of them. They could watch and hear in real time the situation in the room where Matt was.

Robb chuckled and said, "Dr. Gale's hypnotism is pretty impressive. He managed to hypnotize Miss Howard within such a short period of time. Besides, after the hypnosis, she's surprisingly half-awake, as if she's immersed in another world."

"What an impressive method. If he uses this trick to get up to something evil and get some female celebrity to come here, wouldn't that be such a thrill?"

Chris cursed, "Idiot. Such hypnotherapy doesn't work for anyone. It has to work for someone like Lauren who desperately wants to escape from reality."

"Oh, I see." Robb nodded and stared at Lauren, who was quietly lying on the sofa like a meek little sheep, with Matt next to her.

Robb nodded and asked, "Mr. Hank, once Miss Howard is immersed in the illusion, she won't know what happens in reality. Will Gale use this opportunity to take advantage of Miss Howard?"


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