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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 380

Matt seemed to be completely dumbfounded by the fact that Jordan had managed to easily subdue the ferocious Chris, despite being smaller than the latter!

"Jordan was so suave!"

Matt couldn't help but praise. He was the doctor who had once constructed a perfect image of Jordan and, in his opinion, the image of Jordan that he had created was really unrealistic.

However, when he saw the real Jordan, he actually discovered that the real Jordan was even more excellent and powerful than the image he created!

Jordan absolutely hated Chris's despicable means. He punched Chris in the face, but Jordan suppressed him, leaving him with no means to retaliate.

At this moment, Lauren walked over and tried to persuade them. "Stop fighting!"

Lauren pulled Jordan away and then said to Chris, "Since you already know my secret, let's cancel the engagement and pretend that we don't know each other in the future."

Chris got up from the ground, grabbed the tissue that Robb handed over, and wiped the blood that dripped out of his nose after he got punched by Jordan.

"I'll never cancel the engagement!"

Chris said firmly, "I-I can accept sleeping in a separate room from you after we get married. I can also accept you still loving Jordan after marriage!"

His words had taken Lauren aback. She had known Chris for many years, but she couldn't believe that these humble words had come from Chris!

Lauren said softly, "Chris... why are you doing this? I know you're a chauvinistic alpha male and this will make you too aggrieved."

Robb also hurriedly said, "Yes, Mr. Hank, how can you accept such an unreasonable request!?’ If you stoop low and give in to Miss Howard so easily, she'll definitely cheat on you with Jordan after you get married!"


Jordan slapped Robb on his face and barked in exasperation, "Bastard! What do you take me and Lauren for!?!"

Robb was just treating Lauren like a wanton woman who would easily cheat on her spouse, just like Hailey!

Chris was exasperated, and he too felt embarrassed after saying those words. However, he would never cancel the engagement.

"Lauren, I would rather be with a woman whom I love but doesn't love me than a woman who loves me, but I don't."

"Besides, we're marrying for the interests of our families and our marriage will be beneficial for both the Howards and the Hanks. So, we have to continue with the marriage!"

Lauren chose to marry Chris, only for the sake of her family's interests.

Seeing that Chris had agreed to sleep in a different room than hers after they got married and wasn't bothered by the fact that Lauren had feelings for Jordan, Lauren said, "Okay then, since you can accept those conditions, I can marry you."

As an outsider, Jordan was in no place to say anything.

Chris glowered at Jordan and left in exasperation.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital, Robb kept persuading, "Sir, what's wrong with you today? How can you agree to such a humiliating condition?"

"If you can't sleep in the same room as her and consummate with her? Besides, she also has a crush on others and sooner or later, the two of them are going to hook up!"

Robb was rather loyal to Chris. He knew that Chris's ex-wife had cheated on him, which led to the divorce. This time, Lauren clearly had a reason to cheat on him, so he didn't want Chris to be betrayed again.

Chris sat in the car, closed the door, and then said viciously, "Once she officially marries me on the 1st of April, she'll become my wife. Who is she to say anything?"

Robb also sat in the driver's seat, turned around, and looked at the backseat. "Mr. Hank, do you plan to resort to force? That doesn't seem appropriate, does it? Hasn't Dr. Gale mentioned it before? If you try to possess Miss Howard by force, it will trigger great repulsion from Miss Howard. She might face an emotional breakdown!"

Chris humphed coldly and exclaimed, "I don't care if she faces an emotional breakdown or not! When she's my wife, I can do whatever I want to her! Even if she dies, that's no big deal! Keep driving!"

Four days later.


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