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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 413

Jordan couldn't help but recall the email that Cayden once sent him. At that time, he felt a strong urge to slap Hailey a few times on the spot after hearing the audio recording sent to him via email.

He had a hunch that history would repeat itself!

However, when Jordan opened Lauren's messaging app, he got a surprise.

The interface of her messaging app was very simple and there were only two text conversations.

One was the Howards' family chat group while the other was with Jordan.

"She only kept the text conversation with me and deleted the rest?"

Jordan was a little surprised, but he didn't expect Lauren's messaging app to be so clean. If Jesse hadn't exposed her, Jordan might have thought that Lauren loved him and revolved her life around him.

Hence, her text messages were reserved only for him. However, Jordan now felt that she had done so because she didn't want to leave any evidence behind! She deleted the chat records with Matt and other men because she didn't want Jordan to find out!

"What a smart woman!"

Wasting no time, Jordan checked her Instagram account too. She rarely posted anything on Instagram and would usually only share photos of scenery or music.

Matt often liked her posts and left comments on them but there were lots of people who left comments on her Instagram posts. Besides, people would rarely flirt on Instagram. In case a common friend saw it, it would be extremely embarrassing.

Still, text messages weren't the only source of secrets. Sometimes, the memos in the 'Notes' app might be scarier than chat records! In particular, women with meticulous minds, tend to pen their thoughts down in the notes app of their cell phones!

Jordan couldn't help but open the saved notes on Lauren's phone.

Indeed, the notes were full of words.

Of course, women had too many things to pen down, such as their outfit styles, clothes, cosmetics, shoes, bags, and so on.

When Jordan clicked on one, he found that it was a note about him.

As he read the contents of the note, Jordan was surprised.

"My birthday, my favorite food, the songs I like to listen to, my favorite movies, and the dates of my marriage and divorce with Hailey, and even Victoria's birthday?"

Jordan was shocked. 'Why does Lauren have these penned down?'

She had recorded all the information about Jordan, as well as his interests and hobbies, in the notes of her phone. Logically speaking, this should be an act of love that a wife has for her husband.

By noting Jordan's birthday and preferences, Lauren would be able to prepare a surprise for Jordan.

As for the dates involving Hailey and Victoria, Lauren could have noted them down because she was afraid that Jordan would be in low spirits during those dates. On those days, Lauren would be mindful not to let Jordan recall his unhappy past.

If that was the case, Lauren was really too thoughtful and meticulous!

Jordan was puzzled. No matter how he looked at it, Lauren looked like a good wife, and nothing like a vile woman who would lie and deceive others.

Since he didn't find anything from her phone, he put it back in its original position and went to bed.

After breakfast, Lauren asked, "Honey, where should we go today to have some fun?"

The two of them were supposed to have their honeymoon now but because Jordan's assets were frozen, he didn't have the money to take Lauren to popular tourist spots.

Of course, it wasn't a matter of money now but rather, Jordan didn't want to go on trips with Lauren.

"I have to arrange for some of Pablo's underlings to leave DC today so I can't accompany you. Just do your own things. We don't have to stick with each other 24 hours a day, right?" said Jordan.

Arranging for Pablo's men to leave was just an excuse. Jordan's real motive was to be separated from Lauren. Only then would Lauren go about her own business and meet the people that were related to her.


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