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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 445

"You want all of us to join you and become your subsidiary company?"

"You also want us to change the name of our companies to include J Films before our company name?"

"How arrogant of you. You don't know any better! Jordan Steele, you belittle us too much. Not to mention that your previous company is gone and your assets are frozen, even if you're still the president of a corporation worth billions, do you think you can acquire these 58 companies of ours?!"

Jordan's words made these 58 bosses present furious as they all felt incredibly insulted. In particular, the last person who spoke was full of a domineering aura and completely dauntless in the face of Jordan.

Keith took the initiative to introduce to Jordan, "This is Mr. Benson, president of Hoffer Corporation, which owns several businesses in various industries like entertainment, watches and jewelry as well as securities. Their entertainment company is worth billions of dollars, and it's currently the largest in the country."

Jordan looked at Mr. Benson, only to realize why Mr. Benson was indignant. It turned out that he was a senior executive at a company that was worth billions of dollars, which makes him far more competent than the bosses of companies that were worth only a few millions.

However, Jordan managed to even defeat the Huxleys who were worth dozens of billions. Hence, he really didn't take Mr. Benson seriously.

Purely from the perspective of a businessman, these bosses of the entertainment industry did not own very profitable businesses. However, they were definitely the most arrogant ones. Although they prioritized money, they often felt that they were different from other businessmen. In fact, they even felt superior.

Therefore, it was not an easy task for Jordan to make them bow down to him.

Jordan sat at the head of the long table. Except for Keith who was next to him, the bosses at the other seats were all staring at Jordan with great disdain with cigarettes in their mouths.

Seeing this, Keith immediately got up and walked onto the stage. Since he was Jordan's subordinate, he had to be the first to stand forth and answer his call.

Tapping the microphone, Keith said, "Hello everyone, I am Keith Adams of Dreams Entertainment. Although I founded Dreams Entertainment, it's thanks to Mr. Steele of J Corporation that we got to where we are."

"So, I'm here to announce to all my friends of the media that Dreams Entertainment will be renamed as J-Dreams Entertainment and officially become a subsidiary company of J Films’"

Many reporters and fans on the scene exclaimed in awe.

"Oh my God, Dreams Entertainment has become a subsidiary of J Films. Does that mean that Maggie Stone is also signed to J Films now?"

"With such a powerful backer, Maggie will definitely soar to popularity!" After Keith walked down from the stage, another man walked up to the stage. It was the boss of Watermelon Entertainment.

"Hello everyone, I'm also here to announce that Watermelon Entertainment will now be renamed as J-Watermelon Entertainment and become a subsidiary of J Films."

Everyone was shocked to hear that.

"What? Watermelon Entertainment is also a subsidiary of J Films? I heard that they have signed many potential celebrities this year!"

"Yes, the girl named Raquelle or whatever, and that girl who came in first in all the tests at Julliard, have all been signed by Watermelon Entertainment!"

"Isn't Watermelon Entertainment owned by Russell Miller, the richest man in Houston? Watermelon Entertainment is a powerful backer. Why should he become a subsidiary of J Films?"

"Does this mean that even Russell, the richest man in Houston, is under this Mr. Steele? Wow, this Mr. Steele is too powerful!"

At this moment, Salvatore, who was wearing a suit and holding a toothpick, said to Tim beside him.


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