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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 553

If they were to hold a "world's sexiest female star" poll, Marilyn Monroe would definitely be ranked number one. In all honesty, Jordan found it difficult to stay calm in the face of this legendary celebrity.

Jordan said, "Marilyn Monroe is no doubt a top-notch beauty. However, I wonder if the real you..."

The other party was instantly annoyed. "Are you saying that I'm an ugly woman who is pretending to be a beauty like Marilyn Monroe in the virtual world to experience pleasure?"

Jordan hastily explained, "No, no, that's not what I meant. You must be as beautiful as Marilyn Monroe in the real world. You might even be prettier than her."

"Which family are you from?"

Marilyn Monroe extended her jade-like hand and poked Jordan's nose. She said charmingly, "Guess."

Jordan thought about it. This woman chose the avatar of a blonde, blue-eyed female. She was daring and bold in her behavior. Not at all shy and reserved, or cold and aloof. She was flirtatious and deliberately seductive. She also chose to use the avatar of Marilyn Monroe, who was an American actress famous for her sexy image.

Many people chose to recreate a completely different image in the virtual world. Therefore, Jordan guessed that this woman was probably from one of the Asian families, where the women tended to be more demure and modest.

"China? The Rong or the Geng family?"

The other party smiled. "Wow, impressive. You guessed correctly. I am from the Geng family."

Jordan greeted her politely, "Hello, Ms. Geng. How old are you?"

Jordan felt that since this woman was so proactive, she should be above 30 years old. Only older women would chat with men so fearlessly.

Marilyn Monroe smiled. "It's not polite to ask a woman's age. I'm 25 years old this year."

Jordan smiled. "Oh, so you're younger than me."

He was looking forward to seeing what this 25-year-old beauty from the Geng family looked like in the real world!

At that moment, Marilyn Monroe suddenly stood up from her seat and sat on Jordan's lap.

"Ms. Geng... this... this isn't too appropriate, right?"

Jordan was at a loss.

Marilyn Monroe smiled. "People from the eight families rarely enter the game. Don't worry, no one will see.

You've slept with hundreds of women. Don't tell me you don't even have the guts to do this?"

With that, Marilyn Monroe took the initiative to kiss Jordan.

Since Jordan was pretending to be playboy Jamie at that moment, he could only accept Marilyn Monroe's kiss.

However, he didn't let the situation progress further.

Jordan moved away and said with a smile, "Ms. Geng, those lips of yours are pretty skillful. However, I'm not in the mood right now. You should have seen it too. An SUV crashed into me earlier. You've been here longer than me. Can you tell me who hit me just now?"

Jordan had to find out who that b*stard was!

Although this was the virtual world, he did not doubt that this person would do the same to him in real life!

Marilyn Monroe paused for a moment before replying, "That was Park Chan-young from the Park Family."

The Park family!

Why did he crash into Jordan?!

Marilyn Monroe said, "He must have recognized that you're from the Steele family. The relationship between the Steeles and Parks hasn't been good in recent years. Forget it. It's just a virtual world. Your elder brother usually avoids him in the game. He won't stoop to his level."

Forget it? Avoid him?

Jesse might be able to endure such a thing, but Jordan could not!

Jesse was a shrewd person who never revealed his true emotions. Therefore, even if he felt very angry on the inside, he would endure it and not show any displeasure.


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