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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 711

As soon as Hailey pushed open the door, she saw Jordan lying on the bed, foaming at the mouth. Moreover, he was tossing left and right, looking like he was in pain!


Hailey hurried forward. When she saw Jordan's agonized expression, she immediately shouted in fear, "Ah! Help!

Jordan is dying!"

Luckily, Victoria was also heading to Jordan's room. She had just learned that Jordan had been knocked out by his brother's tranquilizer dart and wanted to keep him company.

When Victoria heard Hailey's shouts, she walked in and said angrily, "Hailey, why are you shouting like that?!

Who is dying?!"

When Hailey saw Victoria enter, she rushed over and held her hand. "Victoria, look. Is Jordan... dying?"

Hailey had never seen anyone in this condition before.

She knew nothing about medicine. When faced with such a situation, apart from panicking, she didn't know what else to do.

She was your typical pretty but brainless airhead.

Victoria saw Jordan lying on the bed and foaming at the mouth.

"Oh no, in this sleeping posture, he might die at any time!"

Victoria immediately became very anxious! She was older and had more life experience. Jordan was sleeping on his back. If he vomited, he would choke on his vomit.

And he might die of suffocation!

People who fell unconscious from drinking too much or doing drugs sometimes vomited in their sleep and ended up choking to death on their own vomit!

Rushing forward, Victoria pushed Jordan to his side, so that his vomit would flow out of his mouth.

As she patted Jordan's back, she scolded Hailey. "You only know how to stand at the side and scream? Why didn't you help turn Jordan to his side when you saw that he was vomiting? Do you know that he might choke to death?!"

Hailey was confused. "Why do I need to turn him to his side..."

Victoria was exasperated. "You were Jordan's wife for three years. He likes to drink but you don't know how to take care of him when he's drunk?"

Hailey said aggrievedly, "His alcohol tolerance is so good. Even my father and uncle can't beat him. I've never seen him dead drunk!"

Victoria was speechless. "Hurry up and call Butler Frank over!"

Other than being beautiful and good at bearing children, Hailey seemed to be completely useless in their marriage!

She was really a typical bimbo.


At the very least Hailey knew how to call for help. She had lived here for a long time and quickly called Butler

Frank over.

Butler Frank immediately brought Jordan to the medical room. When Rowan and Jesse heard the news, they also rushed over.

"How's Jordan?" Jesse entered in a fluster.

Victoria stood at the door of the medical room, her eyes filled with hatred as she looked at Jesse. "Jesse, what did you do to my husband?! You're already the head of the family, and my husband has no intention of snatching the position from you. Why did you have to kill him?!"

Jesse looked very helpless. "I didn't! I just anesthetized him! I don't know why he's like this now!"

Rowan also stared suspiciously at Jesse.

Jesse saw that Rowan was trying to analyze his face and words to see if he was lying.


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