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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 716

Jordan shook his head. "No, I don't intend to come with you."

Dragon was puzzled. "May I ask why?"

Having been under Jordan for so long, Dragon knew very well that Jordan hated Hailey. He also knew that no one in this world could force Jordan to do something he was unwilling to do. Therefore, Dragon did not understand why Jordan was not leaving.

Of course, Dragon did not know about Jordan's current state of mind and plan.

So what if they escaped? So what if they had an invisible plane and wouldn't be detected by the six families? He would end up having to live in the dark for the rest of his life. He would not dare to show his face and would have to scurry around like a stray dog!

Jordan wanted to live in the open. He wanted to quietly blossom under the noses of the six families and then overturn their oppression!

"It's destined that Hailey and I will hold a wedding on the beach. Even if I leave with you now, I will have to come back here sooner or later to marry Hailey."

Actually, Jordan had already rejected her once. And what were the consequences? Rowan and Jesse had agreed but then the six families suddenly came over and forced him in that direction again.

Recalling Nolan's words: "You can't change what is already part of the future", Jordan was certain that his wedding with Hailey would happen. It was useless to continue avoiding it.

Of course, Dragon could not understand Jordan's decision.

Jordan instructed. "Dragon, you go ahead and leave this place."

Dragon hurriedly said, "No, if you don't want to leave, then I'll stay here and secretly protect you!"

Jordan shook his head. "There's no need, I don't need your protection. If the six families wanted to kill me, they would have done so when I was unconscious. Go and gather your forces in secret. Then think of a way to contact Jamie. Don't let anything happen to him. Also, after finding him, tell him not to act recklessly again. Don't fight with the six families for the time being. Tell him to wait for me. I will soon trample all six families under my feet!"

Those words made Dragon look at Jordan in admiration!

Even in his current predicament, Jordan was still so confident. Moreover, he did not need any help. He could defeat the six families alone!

Dragon was very happy. His master was a peerless hero!

After all, Dragon was also a hero at heart, and he was very glad that he had a master whose courage and fighting spirit surpassed his!

If his master was Jesse, who had been reduced to a lackey, Dragon would still have to obey his orders. But Dragon could never respect Jesse.

"Yes, Master! Be careful, I will be leaving now!"

Jordan hugged Dragon before watching him leave.

Leaning back onto the recliner, Jordan was pensive as he looked at the sea and listened to the waves. He sat there for many hours.

After a long time, Hailey walked over and held Jordan's arm happily.

"Hubby, I just ordered you a suit for our wedding tomorrow. Come and see if it fits."

Jordan was still looking at the sea. "No need. It will definitely fit."


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