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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 737

Miyamoto Chujiro said, "Mr. Park Sang-jun is too soft-hearted. He can bear the pain of losing his son, but I will not! Jordan, you must die by my sword knife today!"

"Don't hurt Jordan!" Lauren stood in front of Jordan again.

Miyamoto Chujiro glanced at "Madam" and said coldly, "Ms. Park Anya, I originally liked you very much and wanted you to be my daughter-in-law. I didn't expect your taste to be so bad. You actually like trash like Jordan! You'd better get out of the way. Otherwise, I'll kill you too! I believe that even if I accidentally kill you, Mr. Park Sang-jun would understand!"

Park Sang-jun said coldly, "Park Anya is no longer a member of the Park family. She is now expelled from the family."

Miyamoto Chujiro laughed out loud. "Alright! Park Anya, did you hear that? You're no longer a member of the Park family, no longer a member of the secret families. I can kill you as I please now. I'll count to three. If you don't move away, I'll kill you too!"

Lauren panicked. She didn't know what to do, so she asked Shaun for help.

Shaun had also been watching the projection. At this moment, he shook his head. "Ms. Lauren, that's enough. Let's stop here. You've already successfully stopped Park Sang-jun from killing Jordan. We've already achieved our goal. As for Miyamoto Chujiro, you can't stop him at all with your current identity as Park Anya.

"Leave the rest to Jordan. He's a Deity and has the ability to predict the future. If he can't even save himself in this minor situation, I can only say that I'm too disappointed in him!"

Houston, a hall on the top floor of a building in the financial district.

Miyamoto Chujiro was already counting. "Three, two..."

Jordan hurriedly grabbed Park Anya's arm and moved her behind him. He said to her, "Madam, thank you. You've already done enough. You don't have to risk your life for me anymore."

"But..." Lauren didn't have time to explain to Jordan that she wasn't Park Anya, but his wife, Lauren. She could only use her burning gaze to convey her love for Jordan.

Of course, Jordan could feel this strong love. It was just that he thought that it was Park Anya who was conveying this love. He never imagined that his wife would be controlling Park Anya's body.

In addition, Jordan had been in love with Park Anya for many years. Any man with unrequited love would hope that the goddess he liked would one day return his feelings.

"It's alright. Don't worry, I have a way." Jordan patted Park Anya's hand comfortingly.

'Ah, they're holding hands. They're even holding hands. Do they still have any regard for me, Jordan's legitimate wife?! And I just got married to Jordan today! It's so infuriating. Do good people always get bullied?'

Hailey stared at Jordan and Park Anya. Their words and actions were very intimate, and her jealousy intensified. She suddenly remembered something Rachel had told her two years ago. She told her that if she didn't cheat on her man, he would cheat on her. She warned Hailey not to be the weaker party in a relationship, or she would be bullied!

Jordan faced Miyamoto Chujiro's sword. He already saw in a vision that he would not die here today, so he was not afraid at all.

"Is your son dead?"

Miyamoto Chujiro said, "He's not dead, but he almost died, so you must apologize and pay the debt with your death!"

Jordan continued, "Is he conscious enough to see and hear?"

Miyamoto Chujiro was a little puzzled. "Why are you asking this?"

Jordan said, "I have something I want to show him."

"What is it?" Miyamoto Chujiro asked.


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