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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 828

The middle-aged man looked at Lauren and drooled. As he spoke, he looked like he was about to throw himself into the bathtub.

Lauren was really afraid. She couldn't do anything now. If she got up from the bathtub, wouldn't this strange man see her naked body?


Lauren closed her eyes and kept splashing water on the middle-aged man.

At this critical moment, Jordan rushed over at lightning speed. He grabbed the man with both hands and threw him out of the house towards the window.


Jordan was so strong that he threw him out of the house.

The man died on the spot.

"You're courting death! How dare you touch my wife!"

Jordan was furious. Not only did he hate this man, but he also despised Shaun for sending such an unscrupulous masseuse to harass Lauren!


When Lauren saw Jordan, she climbed out of the bathtub and pounced on him, her tears flowing non-stop.

"Hubby, is it you? Is it really you? Am I dreaming? Am I looking at you through someone else's body?"

The two of them had not seen each other in person for more than half a year. Although Lauren had "met" with Jordan before, she had only done so through the bodies of others. Therefore, at this moment, Lauren couldn't tell if this was real or a dream.

Jordan hugged Lauren tightly. "It's me. It's really me. I've finally seen you. You're the real you!"


At long last, Lauren beamed happily.

"You've lost weight and... you look haggard. But you're still so beautiful."

Jordan looked at Lauren. She did look much worse than half a year ago, making Jordan's heart ache. What had befallen her? Lauren had been born in an elite family in the capital and had never suffered before. But she had just spent six months in suffering.

"Take me out. I want to leave this place. I want to go home."

"Okay." Jordan pulled Lauren out of the tub. After she dressed, Jordan immediately boarded a plane with Lauren and flew to the capital.

On the plane, Jordan looked at Lauren's thin figure and her fragile side profile. His heart ached and he blamed himself. Although he had already said it countless times, Jordan apologized again.

"I'm sorry, honey. I've caused you so much suffering. Tell me, how can I make it up to you? I will hold myself to the highest standards when making up to you. I want you to be happy. I have to make up for the grievances you've suffered in the past six months!"

Jordan promised as he held Lauren's hand.

Lauren smiled and gradually returned to her previous elegant self. "I've been cooped up in the dark house for the past six months. I've been alone every day. I just want to see people now. Many people. I want to go to a crowded and lively place. Hubby, will you accompany me?"

Jordan nodded. "Of course. Since you want it to be lively, how about I organize a party for you?"

"Alright, call Mom, Dad, Victoria and my friends over. I want to see people now. I want to feel a noisy and lively atmosphere!"

Lauren immediately agreed.

Jordan smiled. Since he was going to hold a homecoming party, how could it be as simple as just calling over a few relatives and friends?


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