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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 907

Jordan was indeed quite excited. He didn't know what would happen and what would change if he traveled back to two years ago.

This would be the most daring and exciting thing he had ever done in his life!

The two of them did not waste any more time. They put on their oxygen masks, carried their backpacks, and walked towards the Time Gate!

The white Time Gate kept spinning. One could vaguely see the dazzling light from another space-time.

The two of them walked to the door and realized that there was a mirror on the left wall. An image appeared in the mirror.

It was the image of Jordan and Shaun emerging from the Time Gate.

Rong Huangde saw the image and said with a smile, "You will return safely. Jordan, go back to two years ago and do it boldly. Make up for your regrets over the past two years within the rules. This is the purpose of time travel, right?"

Rong Huangde knew that Jordan was a cautious person and was not too worried that he would mess around with the past. On the contrary, he wished that Jordan would be a little bolder and not be too cautious in his actions.

Only when Jordan was completely familiar with time travel would he be able to explore the secrets of the Handley family to his greatest ability.


Jordan nodded and didn't say anything else. With that, he entered the Time Gate with Shaun!

"Don't f*cking hold my hand!"

This was the last thing Rong Huangde heard Jordan say before the two men disappeared from sight.


Rong Huangde couldn't help sighing when he saw Shaun and Jordan travel back to two years ago.

Rong Huangde muttered to himself. "Interesting. To think that the new Deity and the descendant of the mysterious Handley family travel back to the past together using my Time Gate. Hehe, Jordan, Shaun, both of you have huge secrets. I suspect that both your secrets are like rivers that will eventually converge at the same spot.

"I hope you both will have a good time over there. Have fun and resolve all your regrets, such as Hailey betraying you. You will only help me like a good boy after you have no more regrets."

If Jordan was still here, he would definitely be very surprised.

Rong Huangde knew about Jordan's entire history with Hailey. He knew everything about Jordan's past relationships.

Rong Huangde picked up his glass of whiskey again and ordered Dr. T, "Dr. T, pull up all the video conversations between Jordan and Shaun in this house over the past two days. I want to see them." "Yes, Master!" Meanwhile, Jordan and Shaun had already arrived at their destination.

8 April 2020.

Beep beep beep...


Beep beep beep...

Jordan and Shaun felt dizzy. They could hear a lot of noises.

There was the honking of cars, the meowing of cats and the barking of dogs, as well as the sound of construction going on. Moreover, these noises seemed to have some major "delay" audio effect, creating a constant echo in their ears.

When Jordan opened his eyes, he saw the dazzling sky. The sun was at its strongest at noon, and the sunlight was so bright that no one dared to look straight at it.

Jordan realized that Shaun was still holding his hand. He hurriedly shook him off.

"Why are you f*cking holding my hand!"

Just now, when Jordan and Shaun were walking towards the Time Gate, Shaun suddenly grabbed Jordan's hand from behind.


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