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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 930

"F*ck! He really guessed it!"

Salvatore looked incredulous. He couldn't believe that this fortune-teller managed to guess correctly.

Victoria was also very surprised. She didn't know how her father had guessed it.

Did her father really learn how to read fortunes over the past 10 years?

Actually, Jordan already knew the answer.

All he needed to do was to find a proper way to reveal the answer to Salvatore, so as to trick him. Even if Salvatore's lackey wasn't called Dale but Sammy or something.

Jordan would use some other way to link to the word "Dalton".

Speaking of Dale, Jordan found it a little strange because he had never seen him before.

As Salvatore had been with Jordan for two years, he had done many things for him. While Jordan had seen all of Salvatore's closest subordinates, he had never seen Dale before.

Salvatore clapped in shock. "Not bad, old man. You guessed right. If you have the ability, guess his first and middle name!"

"Oh f*ck, I shouldn't have told you that my benefactor has a middle name too."

Jordan smiled. "I already knew before you said so. It's written on the divination. Your benefactor has a first, middle and last name."

Salvatore asked in a puzzled voice,

"Where is it written? Aren't there two circles and four crosses? It's either two names or four names. How does he have three names?"

Jordan didn't know how to answer the question. He couldn't think of any good excuse so he just said in an annoyed tone,

"Will you understand even if I tell you? Are you a divination master? Don't interrupt me!"

This time, Salvatore backed off. "Alright, you're awesome. You know your stuff. Guessing the surname isn't that impressive. If you have the ability to guess his first and middle names, I'll acknowledge you as my master!"

Jordan stroked his beard and pretended to look like an expert.

"You flipped the coin six times just now. It was a cross four times. In other words, it was heads four times. Therefore, the second word of your benefactor's name is..."

Jordan was about to say that the middle name was "Headly", which was indeed Pablo's middle name.

Dale suddenly said, "That's not right. Salvatore, when you referred to heads, did you mean the side with Roosevelt's face? Or the side with the torch?"

Salvatore was confused. "The side with the torch, is there a problem? Isn't that right?"

Dale said, "Of course not! The side with Roosevelt's face is heads’ If you don't believe me, I'll use my phone to check for you."

Dale took out his phone and did an internet search. He showed Salvatore the results.

Salvatore smacked his forehead. "Oh my god, I've always thought the reverse was true."

Jordan was also stunned. Strangely, he had the same misconception as Salvatore! This was partly because Jordan spent most of his growing-up years overseas, so he was not familiar with US coins.

Nevertheless, Jordan was not stumped by this little misunderstanding.

Jordan said calmly, "Fortunately, Dale reminded me. I almost forgot that this is 2020. 2020 is the year of the reverse. All the results have to be reversed. You threw out four tails but we have to reverse it. So your benefactor's middle name is Headly, right?"

Salvatore was dumbfounded. He was equally amazed by Jordan's accuracy and his ability to twist things around.

Circles, crosses, wind runes, lotus flowers, and now "year of the reverse"?

Why had he never heard of such a thing before?

Salvatore was a little speechless. "I say, Grandpa, the way you deduced the name Headly is a little too far-fetched, isn't it?"

If Dale hadn't said anything about the heads and tails of the coin, the old man probably wouldn't have talked about the bullsh*t year of the reverse!


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