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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 980

Rong Huangde was annoyed by Jamie's arrogant words. He frowned and asked Jamie, "Who are you?"

Jamie flicked his sleeves and replied in an official tone, "I'm Jordan's second brother and the current head of the Addington family, Jamie Steele!"

Actually, Rong Huangde knew who Jamie was. Jordan was a Deity so Rong Huangde knew everyone linked to him like the back of his hand.

He was simply asking to make a point.

Rong Huangde said to Jamie, "You are merely a thief, you're not worthy to talk to me."


Jamie was completely speechless.

Rong Huangde's expression suddenly changed. His face was filled with smiles as he looked at Lota again.

"Lota, I like hearing you speak up. You make a valid point. You and Bingshao are about the same age.

Actually, I already have plans for you and Bingshao to get married. Tom and I will probably be very happy to have our two families linked by marriage."

A smile appeared on Tom Schmid's face as if he was very satisfied with this prospect.

Now that it was confirmed that Lota could not marry Jordan, the second best choice would definitely be the grandson and the future successor of the Rong family!

But Lota only had Jordan in her heart. Why would she marry Rong Bingshao?

Lota said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Rong. The man I like has to be responsible. He has to take the initiative to take responsibility for something he did wrong, instead of behaving like a coward, hiding under the protection of his elders. In the end, this is just a grudge between Rong Bingshao and Jordan. Can the rest of us not interfere? Why can we not let the two of them settle it like adults?"

Jamie quickly interjected. "That's right! Rong Bingshao is an adult, right? He's already 18 years old and has come of age. He should take responsibility for his actions. Why is he still relying on his grandfather?"

Rong Huangde frowned. He had a good impression of Lota and planned to let her be with Rong Bingshao. In addition, given the current situation, if Rong Huangde insisted on protecting Rong Bingshao, it would greatly impact his reputation which he had built up over the years.

On top of that, Rong Bingshao had too little life experience. Now, they were about to travel 10 years back in time to Cocodrie. No one could tell what big secret they would discover.

Perhaps, the state of this current world would suddenly turn. They had to be ready for battle.

Perhaps this was an opportunity to let Rong Bingshao grow quickly. Otherwise, once Rong Huangde died, his grandson would definitely not be Jordan's match.

Rong Huangde thought for a moment. "Lota, you're right. I'm an old man, and this is a feud between young people. Maybe I shouldn't interfere."

Jordan was taken aback. "Are you really willing to not interfere in this matter?"

As long as Rong Huangde did not interfere, Jordan could easily kill Rong Bingshao!

Rong Huangde looked at Jordan. "Mr. Jordan, you should know that ever since I met you, I have always been very respectful to you. I never thought of making you my enemy. If I could predict what my grandson would do, I would never let him do such a stupid thing!"

When Jordan heard Rong Huangde's words, his tone became much more polite. "Mr. Rong Huangde, I respect you as much as I respect my grandfather. I promise you that as long as you don't interfere in this matter, I will continue to work with you and help you uncover the secrets you want to know."

Hearing this, the eyes of Geng Anli, Tom Schmid and the others lit up.


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