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My Wasted Husband Is in Power, Now! novel Chapter 990

10 minutes later, in the VVIP reception room at the capital airport.

A long-legged 175cm tall beauty wearing a flight attendant uniform was carefully wiping the eggs and dirt off Jordan's body. The airport board of directors had specially sent this beauty over. She was the most beautiful air stewardess they had.

Lionel and the directors hoped that they could use a beauty to appease Mr. Jordan.

"Sir, there are some traces of rotten eggs on your legs too. Shall I wipe it for you?" The beauty stammered and was about to crouch down.

At this point, how could Jordan still be in the mood to admire beauties?

"Go away, you don't have to wipe it!"

Jordan stated coldly.

Lionel shot the beauty a look to indicate that she should leave the room.

After she left, Lionel looked at Jordan regretfully. "Mr. Jordan, I think your heart definitely aches at this moment! Others might not know, but do you think that I don't? A year ago, strange explosions caused by paper bombs occurred at four spots surrounding the capital. The capital was in danger! You were the one who revealed to us that the danger came from the paper.

"It was also you who personally stopped the explosion from happening in the capital and gave instructions to transport the papers out. Some time ago, there were multiple paper bomb explosions in China. From the pictures and videos we obtained, the power was very great! This further proves that without your help back then, the capital would have been destroyed!

"You're the benefactor of everyone in the capital. You're the hero of America! On behalf of all the people in the capital, I kneel and thank you!"

Lionel knelt down and bowed to Jordan.

It was true that Lionel did not have any official position and 99% of the people in the US did not know about him. However, no matter where he went in the country, he would receive the highest degree of treatment.

Jordan helped Lionel to his feet and said, "Lionel, you don't have to do this! I know. When you see me being attacked by those civilians, you think that my heart hurts and I regret it. But you're wrong. I don't regret what I did a year ago. I would do the same thing if given another chance.

"So what if after saving the lives of millions of people, they threw rotten eggs at me? My heart faces the sun and my conscience is clear!"

'My heart faces the sun and my conscience is clear!'

At this moment, Lionel admired Jordan even more.

'Even with millions of people standing in my way, I would still go forward!'

Jordan sighed and shook his head. "I don't care what the civilians in the capital think of me. It doesn't matter whether they treat me as a hero. But I don't want them to treat Rong Bingshao, this villain with ulterior motives towards the US, as a hero!"

Lionel was shocked. "What? You're saying that Canine Steele is Rong Bingshao? He's from the Rong family?"

Jordan nodded. "Yes, he's actually a Chinese citizen. He is in disguise. A year ago, he deliberately used the paper bombs in the capital as a threat to lure me to China. Although I successfully saved the lives of millions of people in the capital, I couldn't stop my wife, Victoria, from being tainted by this b*stard!"

"What? Mrs. Jordan was..."

Hearing this, Lionel became angry.

That day, Lionel remembered that he had also led a team to find Victoria. Victoria was behaving very abnormally that afternoon and had even knocked someone over with her car.

Thinking about it now, did Victoria have a nervous breakdown and commit those acts because she had been tainted by Rong Bingshao?

Lionel picked up his phone. "Mr. Jordan, please hold on. Let me make a call!"


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