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My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 1109

My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 1109:

 At Chapter 1109 Nicole and Jared find themselves entangled in a web of secrets. As the chapter unfolds, Nicole becomes increasingly aware of the subtle nuances in her husband's behavior. A nagging feeling tugs at her, hinting that Jared's love may not be as transparent as it seems. The content of Chapter 1109 shows
Little did she know that behind closed doors, a different side of Jared emerges, leaving her to grapple with questions about the authenticity of their connection.
Nicole's suspicion intensifies, fueled by whispers of doubt that echo in the corridors of her mind. In Chapter 1109 of My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel, the couple's seemingly idyllic life takes a turbulent turn as Nicole unravels the layers of Jared's persona. Read My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 1109 at NovelFreePDF.com.

"Fingers crossed. I hope you'll be able to pay us a visit soon."

"Sure, all the best to you!" A smile crossed her face as she did not expect Ike to be this excited to see her.

Jared opened the door to his grandfather's ward and walked in as the physician was administering the routine check-up on his grandfather.

"Mr. Johnston," the doctor greeted.

"How is my grandfather doing?" Jared asked.

"His condition is improving in a slow and stable way, which is good."

"Okay, but how long will it take for him to recover from being bedridden?"

"Most likely in two months or so. Besides, it's advisable for him to get as much rest as he can, so that he achieve a faster recovery," the doctor advised.

"Thank you very much, doctor," Jared said.

"How's the company doing right now, Jared?" Mr. Johnston Sr. asked.

It had been some time since Maximillian last enquired about the company, and so, it was only natural that he was concerned about it as soon as he could muster the energy to do so. As much as he knew that Jared was more than capable of managing everything well, he could not help but miss his company.

Jared noticed that his grandfather had made mentions the company multiple times, and so, he figured that he should offer him a few trivial updates to put him at ease. "For starters, The Beacon factory that we've invested in is achieving progress at a steady pace and has begun mass-production now."

"Oh, I didn't expect it to make this much progress while I'm in the hospital!" Maximillian's eyes widened. "Thank you for your hard work, Jared."

"No, it is my duty," Jared replied humbly.


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