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My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 1112

My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 1112:

 At Chapter 1112 Nicole and Jared find themselves entangled in a web of secrets. As the chapter unfolds, Nicole becomes increasingly aware of the subtle nuances in her husband's behavior. A nagging feeling tugs at her, hinting that Jared's love may not be as transparent as it seems. The content of Chapter 1112 shows
Little did she know that behind closed doors, a different side of Jared emerges, leaving her to grapple with questions about the authenticity of their connection.
Nicole's suspicion intensifies, fueled by whispers of doubt that echo in the corridors of her mind. In Chapter 1112 of My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel, the couple's seemingly idyllic life takes a turbulent turn as Nicole unravels the layers of Jared's persona. Read My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 1112 at NovelFreePDF.com.

"You're not planning to sneak over, are you?" Harvey squinted as he looked at Nicole.

"Do I even have to sneak? I can go there with my head held up high," Nicole said without hesitation.

"Why you!" Harvey was so angry that he was at a loss for words. "It's all right. Anyway, I heard that Sean is facing some financial difficulties. I wish to help him out, but..."

Harvey did not continue on purpose. All he did was stare at Nicole, waiting for her to say something.

"Sean has financial issues? Why didn't anyone tell me?" Nicole's smile faded at an instant.

"He probably doesn't want you to worry about him," Harvey replied. "If I wasn't working on a project with him, I wouldn't know about this either.

"Anyway, that's not the point. The point is..."

Without waiting for Harvey to finish, Nicole got up and strode off.

Seeing this, Harvey ran up to Nicole and said, "I'm not done yet. Why are you leaving?"

"I'm going to meet Sean."

"That wouldn't help." Harvey grabbed Nicole's arm as he explained. "You'll just add to the stress that he is already dealing with. Money is the only thing that could help him now."

Nicole stopped and looked at him. "Do you know how much money he needs?"

"Well..." Harvey hesitated, still beating around the bush.

"Forget it, I'll ask him myself if you're not going to tell me," Nicole said and attempted to walk off once more.

Harvey grabbed her arm again. "Why are you in such a rush? I'll tell you now.

"He needs around six hundred million dollars. Actually, he might even need more," Harvey told her with a serious look on his face.

Nicole stood on the spot as she pondered, 'I don't have six hundred million dollars with me, so what should I do?'


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