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My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 2806

My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 2806:

 At Chapter 2806 Nicole and Jared find themselves entangled in a web of secrets. As the chapter unfolds, Nicole becomes increasingly aware of the subtle nuances in her husband's behavior. A nagging feeling tugs at her, hinting that Jared's love may not be as transparent as it seems. The content of Chapter 2806 shows
Little did she know that behind closed doors, a different side of Jared emerges, leaving her to grapple with questions about the authenticity of their connection.
Nicole's suspicion intensifies, fueled by whispers of doubt that echo in the corridors of her mind. In Chapter 2806 of My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel, the couple's seemingly idyllic life takes a turbulent turn as Nicole unravels the layers of Jared's persona. Read My Wife Act Differently Behind Me novel Chapter 2806 at NovelFreePDF.com.

"Yeah, they won't stay mad at you for long once they know that you're happy and doing well for yourself," June chimed in.

After all, most parents had only one wish for their children – for them to be happy and successful.

"Yes, I will," Cherry nodded.

She knew her parents wanted nothing but the best for her, and she was willing to make concessions with everything except for her relationship. Once she had set her mind to being committed to one particular, she would absolutely not settle with others. Unlike other people, this was a compromise she would never make.

"Alright, here's to your happiness," Lulu said, raising her glass first.

"Thank you," Cherry responded, and lifted her glass as well.

Others then followed suit, toasting to Cherry and wishing her well for the years to come. But like every farewell toast, this one carried a tinge of sadness too, and the atmosphere soon became less festive.

After putting their glasses down, Cherry motioned for everyone to start digging in. While they were at it, Lulu decided to lighten up the mood by coming up with topics for everyone to chat about.

"How about we play a game?" Lulu suggested after noticing how crestfallen everyone looked.

"What game?" June asked, her interest piqued.

"How about Truth or Dare? Those who fail to answer truthfully or perform the dare must drink," Lulu proposed.

Although farewells were melancholic by default, Cherry was leaving for the sake of her future and happiness. As such, everyone should pipe down on the gloomy faces and offer their blessings to her instead.

"Okay, let's play Truth or Dare," everyone quickly agreed.

Lulu then grabbed a spoon and placed it on a small plate. She gently spun, causing it to spin until it stopped and pointed at Samuel.

"Ah-ha, it's Samuel!" everyone exclaimed cheerfully. "Truth or dare. Come on, Samuel, pick one."

"Fine, I'll pick Truth," Samuel shrugged, following the rules.

Lulu's eyes twinkled as she suddenly turned to look in June's direction. "Okay. Now spill the beans! When was your first kiss with June?"


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