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Sir Ares, Goodnight novel (Jay Ares and Rose) novel Chapter 3

As Rose began hailing a cab by the roadside, Jay walked over with the enchanting young woman by his side.

"Step aside."-

He spoke with his deep and mellow cello-like voice which could cause a woman's ovaries to explode.

Even so, it also contained a trace of superiority that the wealthy possessed.

Rose suddenly realized that she and her kids were indeed blocking their way-they were standing right i n front of a Rolls-Royce with a Spirit of Ecstasy ornament on its bonnet.

Rose dragged her suitcase with one hand and her children with the other. Upon seeing Jay, she felt rather panicky, and was slow to move aside-

The voluptuous woman said in a sardonic voice, "You must be in some deep sh*t to have to wrap yourself up like that. Fine, wear your sunglasses if you want, but why force your children to wear them while walking? Isn’t that a health hazard, you're not worried they might trip or something?"

Rose felt sick to her stomach. 'I wouldn't be dressing like this if I didn't have to avoid plagues like you.’

The woman's words upset Zetty-Mommy was always right in her books.

Anyone who bad-mouthed Mommy would draw Zetty's ire as she would quickly change from a baby angel into a little devil.

At that moment, Zetty slammed herself into the woman.

The collision knocked her sunglasses off onto the ground.

The woman hastily stepped back, and Zetty's tiny body then bumped into Jay.

Zetty began assaulting Jay with her tiny fists, screeching in her adorable but malicious voice," Mommy is just worried about us getting kidnapped by human traffickers like you. That's why she made us wear sunglasses to protect ourselves. I won't let baddies like you talk bad about Mommy, she is the best mommy in the world."

Jay turned his cold gaze onto Rose. "Did you tell her I'm a human trafficker?"

Faced with Jay’s accusatory question, Rose's brain was instantly depleted of oxygen.

Of course, the answer was yes. By all means, she thought that he was more terrifying than any human trafficker.

If Jay found out that Zetty was his daughter, he would likely make a big scene right there and then, demanding for the child's custody.

Rose did not dare to speak up as she feared that Jay would recognize her voice.

Her silence did nothing but confirm his assumption.

Jay's expression turned dark. Did this woman just label him as a human trafficker?

"Is this how you teach your kids?" he spat.

Rose's head sank into her neck like a quail but she could not muster the power to confront Jay as her mind was completely disoriented.

Zetty resembled her mother, so Jay might not make the connection.

However, Robbie was practically a mini version of Jay. Robbie must not show his face to Jay at all costs.

Rose wrapped her arms around Robbie and clutched him tightly; she was worried that he would lose control like Zetty.

Jay shoved Zetty away and patted down the spot where Zetty had touched, looking disgusted. He then opened the rear seat door for the dame, and the two of them boarded the car and drove off without another word.

Robbie, still wrapped in Rose's arms, looked at the Rolls-Royce's license plate number and made a mental note of it.

That man looked exactly like him.

''Mommyyy, why didn't you say anything just now?"

Zetty was so aggrieved that tears were filling up her eyes.

Every time she was bullied in the past, Mommy would run up to teach those bullies a lesson.


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