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Perfect Husband, The Destined One novel Chapter 212

The world was unpredictable. Life was indeed a box of chocolates. However, Darryl could not really fathom the surprises. 1

Being the Hall Master for both the infamous cults would be a little...

"Why not?” exclaimed Chester. "I am the brain behind the plan to set up a hall in Donghai City, so I have the final say in who is the Hall Master, and I'm saying that you are!"

Chester laughed again, "According to our customs, someone with the position of a Hall Master has to greet me-the military adviser. I'll let you off the hook since you're my bro! Hahaha!"

F*ck, he made his decision. He would not budge!

Darryl was speechless, but he maintained a smile.

"By the way, this is the authenticating object for you a s the Hall Master. Keep it well.” Chester took out a silver token and placed it in Darryl's hand.

A token?

Darryl accepted the silver token and flipped it. The token made from pure silver had a wolf engraved on i t. The craftsmanship looked delicate and vivid. 2

He could not help but think about the auction when h e looked at the token.

Both the old man and his granddaughter had a golden token.

Zack Roger told him that those with a golden token had a superior position in the Eternal Life Palace Sect.

Darryl asked out of curiosity, "Brother Chester, can I have a look at your token?"

Chester took out his token smilingly.

A platinum token?

A glint of surprise flashed past Darryl's eyes as he observed the token engraved with a qilin, a mythological beast.

Chester explained, "As the master of the Eternal Life Palace Sect, the Sect Master possesses a jade token. Whereas me, a military adviser, has a platinum one."

"The next in rank is the Four Guardian Kings. They have golden tokens. Hall Masters have silver tokens. Finally, ordinary disciples have bronze ones."

Oh sh*t.

The old man from the auction was one of the Four Guardian Kings of the Eternal Life Palace Sect. It was n o wonder that he was so powerful! 1

Chester took the platinum token back from him and smiled. "Darryl, I prepared another huge gift for you aside from this one!"


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