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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1031

David was also stunned. Had Vera just offered to wipe his face?

Vera was already making her way to the bathroom to get some water before he could refuse. After a while, she came out with half a basin of water in her hand along with a white towel.

She had brought all these with her from home. She had planned to use them when her father woke up.

Vera placed the basin on the bedside table. She then wrung the towel and bent down to wipe David's face.

It was probably because David and Vera had not been this close for a long time, so he felt a little uncomfortable when Vera came over to wipe his face.

As his uncomfortableness grew, he said, "Vivy, I'll do it myself."

After that, David reached for the towel.

However, as soon as he moved his hand, he felt a sharp pain shot through his entire body. He was in so much pain that he could barely endure it. He gritted his teeth.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Vera suddenly became very worried and asked, "Does it hurt? Do you need me to get the doctor?"

David shook his head and said, "No, I'm fine. I might have accidentally pulled on my wound just now."

When Vera heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I've already said that I will wipe your face. Why do you still want to move around? Just lie down quietly. I am your daughter, not a stranger. Why do you have to refuse?"

Vera sounded a little strict when she said those words. She turned around to rinse the towel. Then, she bent down and continued to gently wipe her father's face. She said, "Are you afraid that I will not do a good job? You can rest assured that I will wipe your face clean and Mom will be satisfied."

David looked at his daughter in front of him.

Five years.

It had been five years since he last saw his daughter.

Now his daughter was by his side, wiping his face while talking to him in a strict tone. David had imagined countless times how their reunion would look like.

He thought that Vera would continue to be as wilful, and he would continue to be as stubborn.

However, he did not expect that the two of them could reconcile.

Thinking of this, a touch of gratification appeared on David's face. Then, he said, "My daughter has finally grown up. At least she knows how to take care of me now."

When Vera heard his words, she stopped what she was doing. When she saw the fatherly love in his eyes, she suddenly thought back to the reason they had fallen out, and her heart ached once more.

She bit her lower lip. Her voice was choked with sobs.

"Dad, I'm sorry..."

David was also stunned.

"I shouldn't have been so unreasonable five years ago. It was my fault. Dad, can you forgive me? I promise to take care of you and Mom. I promise not to leave the two of you anymore."

David did not expect her to become so considerate. Tears started to pool in his eyes.

"Vivy, I've never blamed you. Do not blame yourself."

"Really? But in the past five years..."

"Do you know what was going through my mind during the accident?" David looked at his daughter's face, then curled the corners of his mouth up slightly as he looked at the ceiling.

"When the accident happened, I was very regretful. I regretted... Why didn't I take the initiative to call you? If... I had done so, we probably would not have been separated for five years. Fortunately, God took pity on me, and I managed to pull through."

And now, he could still see his daughter.


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