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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1129

The sun had risen, and the sunlight shone through the window. It was so bright that she could barely open her eyes.

However, Vera didn't dare to close her eyes again.

She was afraid.

She was afraid that if she closed her eyes, she would see the scenes in her dream again and hear those mocking words repeatedly.

She had slept for the whole night, but what happened last night had been bothering her. Instead of feeling better, she felt gloomier.

She laid quietly for a while before she lifted the blanket and got up.

When she walked into the bathroom and passed by the mirror, she saw that she was still wearing the white dress sent by Quill. She was stunned and looked at herself in the mirror for a long time.

A moment later, she took off the white dress.

Before this, she had thought that the dress was beautiful, but now, when she looked at it again, she only felt ridiculous.

Vera calmly took a shower, put on her clothes, and proceeded to check her bank balance.

She spent a lot of her savings when opening the shop, so she only had a few tens of thousands of dollars left in her current balance.

Although it was not a big sum, to Vera this is not a small amount of money. However, it probably meant nothing to Quill; it might only be a drop in the bucket.

No big deal. She would pay as much as she could first.

In the worst case scenario, she would work hard the rest of her life to make money and return it to him.

After tidying up, Vera headed out of the room.

"You're awake?"

"Vivy, come and have breakfast."

As soon as she left the room, David and Mabie asked Vera to come over for breakfast.

She wasn't in a good mood and had no appetite. She didn't feel like eating, but she didn't want them to worry about her, so she went over and sat down.

"Good morning, Mom and Dad."

"Good morning. Vivy, I bought you the pastries that you like very much. Try them."

"Yes, there's also some milk."

David and Mabie were especially enthusiastic to Vera. Both of them were all smiles and did not mention what happened the previous night at all.

It was not like Vera had lost her memories. Of course she remembered that she held onto Mabie and cried hysterically. As she thought about it, she felt that she was too impulsive at that time.

How could she do such a thing? Wouldn't it worry her mother?

However, at that time, she really couldn't control her emotions. She was completely broken.

"Vivy, what are you daydreaming about? Hurry up and eat," Mabie said.

"Alright," Vera replied.

Vera refocused her attention, and took a bite of the pastry. Usually, it was exceptionally crispy and tasty, but that day, it was tasteless as she didn't have any appetite.

She put it down after taking a bite and took a sip of milk.

As soon as the milk entered her stomach, she felt her stomach churn.

She put down the glass, ran into the bathroom, and vomited into the sink.


"What's wrong!"

David and Mabie dropped all that they were doing

and followed her quickly into the bathroom.



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