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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1186

Master Collins immediately came to a realization after hearing his great- grandson's words. He immediately urged Beanie, "Then should we head over now?"

Beanie nodded.

He took out his phone and sent a message to Abigail to ask where they were heading to. Then, he and Master Collins both left the house.

In the middle of the night, Vera was asleep. Suddenly, she felt a vibration from under the pillow.

Was it her phone? Vera was exhausted. She obviously felt the phone vibrating, but her body couldn't respond to it at all.

The phone finally stopped vibrating after a while, but it began to vibrate again after a short while. Vera forced herself to reach for the phone under the pillow and answered the call.


Her voice sounded weak and blurred.

"Auntie Vera!" Beanie's voice sounded from the other end of the call. Vera frowned unconsciously, "Beanie? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night? What's the matter?" "Auntie Vera, Mommy is in labor!"

"Who? What do I have..." Before she could finish her sentence, Vera suddenly stopped; her drowsiness was instantly gone. She abruptly opened her eyes wide and sat upright on the bed, "Minerva is in labor?"

"Yes, Auntie Vera. We're already at the hospital. I've already called Uncle Quill; he's going to pick you up."

Although she had a million doubts inside, Vera was more anxious then. She then replied, "Alright, I'll be there right away."

She put the phone down and immediately changed out of her pajamas. Then, she grabbed her phone and opened the door. Perhaps it was because she was making too much noise, Mabie opened her door just as Vera opened hers; she looked at Vera with drowsy eyes.

"Vivy, it's past midnight. What are you doing awake?"

"Mom?" Seeing Mabie standing there, Vera felt bad, "Did I wake you up with all the noise? Sorry, go back to sleep. I have to go out for a bit."

"What's going on?" Mabie walked out frowning.

"Minerva is delivering. She's in the hospital right now."

"Minerva is about to deliver?" Mabie was surprised, "Didn't you say that there are two days still? Why is she giving birth so suddenly?"

Vera shook her head and said, "I'm not sure. I just received a call from Beanie. I'm leaving, Mom."

"It's not safe for you to go out alone in the middle of the night. Let me change my clothes and accompany you there."

"Mom, you don't have to!" Vera stopped her and explained, "Someone will come and pick me up. You don't have to worry about it."

Hearing Vera's words, Mabie immediately understood. She nodded and said, "Alright then. Then you should only go down when it's about time. It's the middle of the night after all."

Vera glanced at the time and found that it was past three o'clock. She would still have to wait for a while if she went down right away.

Thus, Mabie accompanied Vera in the living room. The clock in the living room ticked, and the sound was crystal clear in the quiet night.

After a long time, Vera kept urging Mabie to go back to sleep, but Mabie didn't want to and insisted on waiting with her.

Vera finally gave up, and she stopped trying to persuade Mabie.

Finally, Vera's phone beeped. It was a call from


Vera quickly stood up and answered it, "Hello?"

"I'm already downstairs. Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'll head down right away." After hanging up, Vera turned to look at Mabie and said, "Mom, go back to sleep. Quill is downstairs."

Mabie walked to the window and opened it. Sure enough, there was a familiar car parked there. She then nodded at Vera with peace of mind and said, "Alright, go ahead. I'll go back to sleep right away. Stay safe."

"Sure, Mom!" Vera pushed the door open and ran downstairs.


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