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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1201

Hearing Tiana's request to head back first, Olivia frowned but soon let it go. Tiana's family was strict, so if she didn't go back at that time, she might be scolded badly.

"Alright, take care of yourself. Send me a message when you get home."

"Relax, you don't have to worry about me. But you..." Speaking of that, Tiana looked at Sam, who was dead drunk, then she showed Olivia a mysterious smile, "Every moment is precious. Best of luck!"

Her words rendered Olivia speechless. What the hell?

However, before she could catch Tiana back and interrogate her, she had already escaped.

She resigned to fate helplessly, worm her way into the passenger seat, and told the driver an address.

It was late at night. Olivia dragged Sam back to her home and threw him on the sofa. She was so tired that she kept gasping for air.

"D*mned you, You're so heavy." Olivia complained.

After that, she went to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of cold water. She downed it, but her heart was still pounding rapidly. When she came out, she saw Sam had fallen to the ground; she was speechless and stared at him.

She was so tired that she had no strength to move him one more time. Since he chose to fall, let him sleep on the floor for the night then.

Olivia's whole body was enveloped in the smell of alcohol after carrying Sam. Not only that, after Sam was laid in the living room, the strong smell of alcohol filled the entire space.

So Olivia opened the window to get rid of the smell then took her clothes to take a shower.

Honestly, she was rather bold to take a shower when there was a man in the apartment, but he was dead-drunk the entire journey back, so Olivia was particularly at ease. Sure enough, when she was done taking a shower, drunk Sam was still lying on the ground, motionless.


If there was suddenly an earthquake, he probably wouldn't wake up, let alone run for his life.

Olivia dried her hair, walked up to him, and kicked Sam's calf, "Hey, I didn't mean to bring you home. It's only because I saw you, and I really couldn't bear to leave you alone. I was afraid that you would be thrown out onto the road in the middle of the night, so I carried you back out of kindness. You can sleep here for the night and leave after you're awake tomorrow. Also, never talk about tonight!"

Of course, Sam wouldn't respond. All he did was frown.

"Also, you're sleeping on the floor tonight!"

"If you don't answer me, I'll take it as a yes!"

Poor Sam didn't know anything and was still lying on the floor. Olivia walked back to her room and blew her hair dry with a hairdryer. She locked the door of the bedroom before going to bed.

After all, there was suddenly a man in her home, and he was drunk. What if he suddenly charged into her room in a drunken fit in the middle of the night?

Olivia didn't know if it was because of the cocktail she had earlier, but her head felt uncomfortable after lying down. It was also possibly because she was not used to having another person in her home, so she couldn't sleep no matter what.

In the middle of the night, Olivia thought of something. She got up, took a blanket from the closet and went out of the room.

When the light in the living room was turned on, Olivia was speechless as Sam laid on the floor in the same position as before; he didn't move at all.

She walked over and covered him with the blanket as she nagged.

"I'm probably the only one who is too soft-hearted to bring you home and put a quilt on you."


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