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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1213

Hearing Vera's words, the woman was silent for a while before she spoke.

"No matter what, thank you for helping me. I'm Lauren Lowell. What is your name?

Vera smiled innocently. "My name is Vera Zais!"

"Vera..." Lauren repeated her name thoughtfully. "Is the person with you your husband?"

The word husband made Vera blush. She embarrassedly scratched her head and shook her head.

"He's not?" Lauren looked at her quizzically and asked, "Didn't you two travel together?"

"Yeah." Vera nodded and explained softly, "We came to this trip together, but we're not husband and wife. We're just boyfriend and girlfriend."

Hearing Vera's explanation, Lauren smiled and said, "I see. I think he treats you well."

Really? Vera blinked. She was happy.

Even strangers could see that Quill was very good to her. Wasn't it a good thing?

Just when she was still deep in thought, Lauren spoke again, "But I feel that he's a little cold. Has he always been like this?"

Vera didn't think much about it and nodded.

"Yeah, he is a little cold. He has always been like this."

However, in Vera's opinion, it was better to say that he was steady. He was completely different from Maddox. Maddox was truly cold and insufferably arrogant; he wouldn't talk to people he was not familiar with.

But Quill was different. He would talk to people and be gentlemanly at the very least, even though he gave people an unapproachable feeling.

Vera liked this kind of Quill very much.

A strange look flashed in Lauren's eyes when she saw the look of a maiden in love on Vera's face. She began to chat with Vera.

At first, Vera didn't react. Later on, she suddenly realized Lauren kept asking questions about Quill. She wondered why Lauren wanted to know so much about him.

Vera was a straightforward person, so she didn't beat around the bush.

"Why are you asking so much about him?"

Being questioned, Lauren grew awkward, "I'm sorry. You must like him a lot because you look so happy when you talk about him. You helped me, but I can't do anything. So... I can only talk to you about the person you like."

Her explanation made sense. Because of her words, Vera's face turned red again. She pouted and denied in a low voice, "I don't look happy when I talk about him..."

Although she denied it, she wondered if it was really that obvious. It seemed that... perhaps she liked him more than she imagined.

After that, when Lauren brought up Quill, apart from being shy, Vera had no other emotions. She even thought that Lauren mentioned him on purpose because she wanted to see her shyness.

Until... someone knocked on the door.


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