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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1349

What had she done? Vera blinked. There was no way she was telling him.

Noticing her silence, Quill looked over and grabbed her wrist. "Hmm?"

Vera replied in a mysterious tone, "It's a secret."

"You'll know when the time comes!"

Seeing Vera being all mysterious, Quill naturally did not press on. Furthermore, he was in a bad mood that day, so the atmosphere in the car fell silent very quickly.

Vera could sense his bad mood as soon as he quieted down. She kept feeling something was amiss.

Because she had been focusing on the surprise, she hadn't wished him a happy birthday nor gave him a present.

Thus, she began assuming if he was upset because of this.

But she could only keep it to herself and wait until they got to the restaurant. By then, he wouldn't be in such a bad mood anymore.

However, if Vera had known what would happen later, she definitely would not have thought about surprising him, nor would she have wanted to celebrate his birthday.

In the restaurant.

When the group of staff saw Vera bring Quill in, they couldn't help sighing and whispering to each other.

"My God, Miss Zais's boyfriend is so freaking hot. No wonder she's willing to prepare such a surprise for him. If I have such a hunk for a boyfriend, I'd be absolutely willing to prepare a surprise for him every single day!"

"D*mn right!"

"His boyfriend sure is a dreamboat, but Miss Zais seems very ordinary. Moreover, she's the one preparing the surprise in this relationship. It feels... Umm..."

Although she did not finish the rest of her sentence, everyone present knew what it entailed.

Their manager interrupted them.

"Alright, that's enough. She is our client. Don't go meddling in other people's business. What we need to do is to serve our customers the best we can. Keep your opinions and judgments to yourselves. Got it?" "Got it." "I've booked a table. Their business is booming. I had to book way advance to get a table." Vera said to Quill when they entered.

Lost in thought, Quill only replied with a hum.

Vera held his hand as they went upstairs.

The surprise was awaiting them in the private room. They would feel the difference as soon as they entered.

When they entered, the private room was filled with sweet romance and heart- themed decorations. It looked absolutely dreamy.

However, Quill didn't seem to notice anything. He thought it was just the room's interior design, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Soon, the staff served the dishes. They didn't look anything out of the ordinary, so Quill didn't suspect a thing.

If his mind wasn't elsewhere that day, he would have noticed something was amiss. However, it had drifted far away.

Thus, when the staff switched off the lights in the room under Vera's cue, the sudden darkness surprised Quill, and he finally realized something was off.

In the darkness, Vera rested her hand atop his, tapping her fingers lightly. Quill thought Vera assumed he was frightened by the sudden darkness, so she took the initiative to comfort him.

This silly girl.

He wanted to hold her hand and tell her he was fine.


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