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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1419

She jumped up in horror in an instant.


Sensing something amiss, Quill quickly switched the lights in the room on.

In an instant, brightness filled the space, and their eyes met. Vera was shocked for a split second before she gradually calmed down.

Seeing Vera's wet and ruffled hair as well as her pale face, Quill strode toward her.

"What's wrong?"

Quill sat down at the edge of the bed. When he reached out to Vera, she flinched in horror and instinctively avoided him.

With that, she realized she had laid all her fears out in the open, so she reluctantly cracked an ugly smile at Quill.

"You're back already? I- I didn't make dinner tonight. You... Why don't you get food delivery and make do for the night?"

"Before that." Quill grabbed her arm and realized her shirt was somewhat sticky, so he looked at her back to find it drenched in sweat. He then frowned and asked. "What's the matter? Are you not feeling well?" "N- No." Vera's breathing was still somewhat erratic. She shook her head and replied, "I-1 just had a nightmare, and I was still shaken when I woke up. Then right on cue, you came in, so I got the fright of my life."

Her description explained everything, but her fearful gaze told Quill there was more to it than met the eye.

However, seeing how frightened she was at the moment, he'd only jog her nightmare and deepen her fear if he pressed on.

Hence, he decided not to follow up but went to the closet to get Vera a set of clean clothes. "Try not to ponder on it; it's just a nightmare. It's cold now; you'll catch a cold if you don't change into something dry. We can talk after that."


When Vera reached out for the clothes, her hands were still shaking. Quill pursed his lips but did not say anything.

As Vera changed, Quill grabbed the remote to raise the temperature of the room. Then he stood with his back facing her until he heard her murmur, "I'm done changing."

Only then did Quill turn around.

Vera fixed her mood as she changed, so her gaze at him wasn't as fearful as when he first came in. Quill went over and embraced her.

"Are you hungry? What would you like to eat?"

Although he just came back from work, he was surprisingly hot. Moreover, his familiar scent gave Vera a strong sense of security. Nestling in his arms, she subliminally grabbed his shirt, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

"A little, but I'm exhausted."

"You just have to eat; no need to cook."

"Hmm." Vera closed her eyes and thought for a while before shaking her head and said, "I don't know what I want to eat. I'm so tired."

"Then sit here for a while. Let me order food delivery."


Then all she did was rest her eyes as she laid in Quill's arms. With him by her side, those horrible images were shredded into pieces like a shredder to papers.

She felt her reliance on Quill deepening with time, growing and more and more attached to him.

As the thought crossed her mind, Vera wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.

With that, Quill looked down, but he remained nonchalant. He could not press her for a reason at the moment despite feeling her fear and uneasiness. All he could do was to pat her shoulder lightly to reassure her.

When he was done ordering, Vera was still lying motionless in his arms.

They stayed in the same position until a ringtone broke the silence. Their dinner had arrived.


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