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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1427

After they came to an agreement, and Oliva was quite pleased with the result, she no longer fussed over the matter but went to bed with Sam.

This time, Olivia fell asleep very quickly, no longer bothered.

On the contrary, because of the ordeal, Sam was no longer able to go back to sleep. His head was filled with all that she had said to him earlier.

As well as that woman.

"She'd be putting on a wedding dress, walking down the aisle, marrying the man she loved so dearly the next day. She must be the happiest person alive right now." Sam thought.

The happiest thing in life was probably knowing the person you love loved you back, and the two of you could spend the rest of your lives together.

But what about him?

Would he and Ollie be able to spend the rest of their lives together?

Finally, it was the day of the wedding!

As Vera didn't have a good sleep the night before, and she'd have to get dressed up early the next day. She could barely keep her eyes open when she got up. Seeing her so, the makeup artist, Eileen, immediately exclaimed.

"Mrs. Hanover, what did you do last night? Why are your dark circles so obvious?"

Hearing that, she was jolted awake. Looking at herself in the mirror, her dark circles were terrifyingly obvious.

"Oh no, oh my!"

She had clearly fallen asleep not long after her mother had talked her into doing so, so why were her dark circles still so bad? How was she supposed to walk down the aisle? Would Quill mind?

Eileen comforted her when she saw how distressed Vera was. "Don't worry, Mrs. Hanover. Nothing a little makeup won't fix. You'll still look gorgeous."

"But you can still tell if you look close enough, won't you? I knew I should've slept earlier." she sighed.

Eileen continued to reassure her, "Relax, Mrs. Hanover. It's a common thing between brides-to-be. You're excited, nervous, and all that. I get it. I have a friend who can't even sleep if she has to meet her clients the next day or go on a business trip, let alone getting married."

Just like that, Vera's attention was diverted, "That serious? She must have it hard, doesn't she?"

"She does, but there's no other way, is there? She can only try to adjust her mindset. I have to say, Mrs. Hanover, your skin is amazing. Let's put on a sheet mask first. It'll be better for your makeup later."


Eileen had her own hydration formula, so she applied some on Vera's face mask before putting it on her. "I'll apply some cream to help reduce your dark circles. Why don't you take a nap in the meantime? You'll feel more energized during the wedding."


The masks felt cooling on Vera's face, and since the heater was on in the room, she felt quite cozy.

So it didn't take long for Vera to fall asleep.

Eileen then said to her assistant, Ingrid, as they left Vera alone. "Let her sleep for a while. It will take around 20 minutes. Go and find some breakfast; best if it's something light, easy to digest, and doesn't have a strong smell."

"Okay." Ingrid then did as Eileen instructed.

Eileen then got all the makeup out and ready.

Two other makeup artists were hired to help

Vera's parents with their makeup. David was originally against the idea, but when he heard many people from the upper class would be attending, he agreed to it, thinking he shouldn't embarrass his daughter.

Their dressing room was on a different floor from Vera's.


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