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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1487

Quill seriously scanned Olivia's face for any sign of dissatisfaction or other negative emotions.

However, he found nothing. She was indeed an open-minded woman, who had been sincere with what she said to them. Her words did not contain any hidden sentiments.

He had initially been worried about Vera's safety, but he decided he could rest assured after he saw Olivia like that.

Therefore, after they entered the house, he left the girls alone.

Olivia set the wedding invitation and favors on the table, scrutinizing the surroundings. She then winked at Vera and said, "Your husband worries about you a lot."

She gave off the impression of a young girl mischievously ribbing a friend. Vera gradually lowered her guard after she saw how warmly Olivia was treating her.

"I'm sorry, he didn't mean any offense. You saw what happened at the wedding last time too. After that, he constantly harbors suspicions. No matter what sort of situation or who he meets, it's all the same to him. It's not just you," she explained.

"I understand." Olivia waved her hand around to emphasize her nonchalance. "I'm fine with it. I don't like him anyway, so it doesn't matter doesn't matter to me how he thinks of me. However, at that time, your husband really didn't pull any punches in settling the matter."

"You know about it?"

"Of course, the moment something happened to you, Holt Group suffered losses. I saw that online." As she spoke, Olivia gave her a thumbs up. "He's really good to you. He's a good husband."

Vera smiled shyly and then asked, "Sam also treats you well, right?"

"Yeah." Olivia nodded. She replied in a completely natural manner, "Of course. He does whatever I ask him to, and doesn't dare do otherwise. I like that about him."

"Congratulations to both of you. I'm really happy for you guys." Vera offered her congratulations.

"I guess what happened that time probably scared you. I don't think your husband will agree to you attending our wedding. That being said, I still have to follow through with the formalities. Since I have already sent you the invitation and favors, and even received your blessing, I won't take offense if you don't go."

When she looked at the cheerful girl before her,

Vera could not help but be envious. Her envy was mixed with gratification, too. She had always felt that she had let Sam down. After all, he used to be really kind to her and accompanied her while she was abroad.

In the end, if she managed to find her happiness but Sam didn't, it would worry her.

Now that he had found such an intelligent woman, Vera rejoiced from the bottom of her heart and gave them her blessing.

Olivia was the type of person who was really easy to get along with; she could swiftly redirect the topic to other matters.

She even said at last, "Come on, there's no need to feel awkward about it."

Vera thought she had a point and agreed. "Okay."

They talked and talked, and gradually grew closer to each other. Vera promised that she would definitely attend the wedding.

In reply, Olivia put on a tone of displeasure. "You'd better not come. If you come to the wedding, Sam might call it off!"

Right after, she burst out into laughter, when Vera had not even reacted yet.

That sort of thing wasn't funny at all, yet Olivia was laughing so wholeheartedly. Vera finally confirmed that Olivia didn't mind the fact that Sam loved her in the past.

While Vera was lamenting how cruel she herself was, her heart ached for Olivia. She thought to herself that she should follow in Olivia's footsteps.

Many things in life wouldn't go according to plan. Many times, it was better to move on than continuously dwell on a matter and stir up trouble. To do so would only cause oneself unhappiness.

Their conversation transformed them into good friends. Olivia decided to make a move when she noticed the time. Before she left, Vera reluctantly took her arm.

"Can we go out together in the future?" She asked.


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